Chapter 1

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(Y/N) Pov

*Alarm clock noise*

I don't want to get up.

*alarm continues *

Ugh! Okay okay.

*y/n got up, your (skin color) covered in bruises and cuts, you crawl out of the bed looking in the mirror at your scars*

Since I got older I hardly even feel my cuts anymore.

*You Twirl around looking at your body shape*

Everything feels numb everywhere. It's almost like a routine for me, pain is just a lifestyle.

*you started to stare into the mirror, dazed in your head torturing yourself with memories *

I feel crazy, my head is messing with me telling my emotions what to feel even though that's not how I feel. I wish I could escape my head.

*you put your hands together praying for anything or anyone to help you*

I need Something other than pain and candy to put my mind at ease. Maybe I should work out or run to the woods to live alone in a cabin surrounded by the woods and fog.

But I can't so theres that. my relatives would file a missing persons report then abuse me, I would be black and blue.


School is the only way I can go out and get some type of freedom. But even then the popular bitches are almost as bad as my family. Maybe after I graduate I'll be just like (sister's name), She does make good money as a sugar baby.

"(Y/n)! get your ass down here and clean the dishes now!" (Moms name) said.

I do everything around here. Like chores, dinner, and other little tasks they don't appreciate.

" Yes,( mom's name)." (Y/n) yelled.

"ungrateful bitch." (Mom) muttered under her breath.

*Time skip of school and chores *

I'm so tired. I just want to go lay down but I have to clean this messy shit up.

*you start cleaning the table off, grabbing the plates and wiping it down then finished putting leftovers up, you finish cleaning after an hour*

"(Mom name) I'm finished cleaning up the kitchen. May I go to my room?" (Y/n) said.

*(mom) noddes dazed as she drank her whiskey, you walk upstairs to your room going into your bathroom locking it behind you*

Even though this is my bathroom it still stresses me out thinking of family members knocking.

*you turned on the shower checking the temperature every few seconds until it was ready*


*you get in the shower the water outlined your (skin color) *

Wow, this feels amazing.i wish i could stay in here for hours.

*you grab (favorite) shampoo, you lathered your hair then washing it*

This shampoo smells so good!

* You condition your hair then washing all the conditioner off your body*

I definitely needed this shower soooo bad. Its almost like therapy in a way.

*You grab your (favorite) Face wash washing your face*

I dont think ill ever stop using (favorite bar) soap and my (2nd favorite) body wash

*You start washing Yourself with your soap*

"AHHHHHHH!" (mom) screams.

*You quickly rinse off*

I wonder what shes screaming at this time? Maybe theres a rat, mouse or some other rodent. Shes so dramatic in the worse kinda way. Who knows maybe she saw something i missed cleaning and is freaking out about it. This is an old house there are things that i cant really clean well there is also soooo many fucking rats and snakes you would think they would kill eachother.

"HEEEELP M-" (Dad) screamed.

*Crashing noises came from downstairs*

Oh shit... Maybe something is wrong? (dad) never really talks or screams.

*you get out the shower and dry of as quick as you can*

Is there someone in the house?

*You put on a matching panty set, Shorts, Knee high striped socks, and a dark colored slasher hoodie *

I need some protection.

*you grab your pocket knife holding it close to you*

Maybe i should turn off my light so they cant see me open my door.

*Turns off light then slowly opens the door *

"AHHHHHHHH-" Muffled screams.

Oh shit. oh shit. Maybe i should just go back and hide... no that wouldn't be smart if they searched.

*you tip-toed down the stairs into the kitchen doorway you glance at the empty livingroom*

Where is everyone?

*You glance at the blood on the counter and floor*

Oh fuck, My family is-

*you try to clear your mind as you creep to the back door*

M-mom... dad...

*your parents lay on the ground in a pool of blood. You see they have no head you start feeling sick*

Omg, I think I'm going to throw up.

*there were two tall masked men standing near the woods looking at another smaller masked man*

W-what the actual fuck is going on?

*you stand there frozen from fear as you watch the tall men tackle the shorter guy attacking him*

Why are th-

*the two masked men started to stab the man in a frenzy blood was shooting out all over the masked men*

I-i uhh... fuck I should just run... why can't I move.. I just need to move my legs.

*your hands were numb*

JUST MOVE! For fucks sake why am I standing here?

*you struggled to walk backwards*

Police. I need the police like fucking now.

*You tripped on the back door step and drop your knife. The masked men notice you as you picked your knife back up. your body stiffened as one of the men made eye contact with you*

Oh I'm fucked... i-i may die. They killed him so easily...

*dark figures appear out of the woods one by one, a burnt man, and a white guy with no face came out first*

Are they all dressed as some horror movie character? What kind of shit is this?

*you relise that guys dressed up as jason vorhees and michael myers slowly were walking towards you*

I'm so fucked. I'm in no shape to run from these tall lanky leg men. Maybe I can run away from the burnt one at least? God or whoever please help me.

*Michael's stare feels like he is looking through your body*

I need to go...

*you scrambled to get back up running through the house to the front door*

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

*you run outside sprinting as fast as you can to the nearest police station *


Hello~ as I slowly post new chapters I'll be slowly retyping the old chapters to make them better to read :) but please ignore my bad spelling or typos. ~ <3

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