chapter 6 || creamy pussy phobia

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Bakugo's POV:
I leave my dorm room the next morning, my voluptuous, rounded, perfect booty cheeks smelling with the delicious, pungent odour of yesterday's outburst. My sole mission for the day was to get rid of that monster... creamy pussy. My body trembled at the thought of that hideous monstrosity taking my scrumdiddlyumptious, beautiful, gorgeous, delicious Emily away from me, taking all of the attention for itself.
"I have to do something" I uttered to myself, rage pooling in my stomach. As I walked, leaving a trail of my odour, I saw my pookie bear! Emily Snifflecock!!

Emily's POV:
I walked down the corridor with Creamy Pussy, debating how to get rid of this god forsaken cat, my booty cheeks jiggling with the amount of brain power I was using, my tiny legs struggling to support the weight of creamy pussy. As I walked, I saw my alpha!! Bakugo!!
I shouted at the sight of him, exited to see my pookie. As I strutted towards him, his eyes lazer focused on that god forsaken creamy pussy!! Rage filled my tiny, minuscule, nanometre body, my voluptuous, round, plump, curved, perfect booty cheeks jiggled with pure rage as my fake tanned, slim, perfect fingers clenched onto my mortal enemy, Creamy Pussy. Grappling his crusty, shit flaked body in pure resentment as I began to feel faint.. my world went black as I fainted; the sheer sight of bakugo... I-i-i mean my a-alpha.. knocking me to my knees.

Bakugo's POV:
"POOKIE!!!" I screamed as I saw my scrumdiddlyumptious, voluptuous, minuscule, pookie wookie crumble to the ground at the sight of me, her tremendous love for me clearly bringing her to her knees.
I heard a faint noise under her tiny little body, and then saw a crusty, musty, pale looking body scrambling out from under her beautiful booty cheeks, "IS THAT CREAMY PUSSY?!?!" I gasped, rage filling my body as my ass cheeks began to crackle with rage. In that instant, I grabbed the god forsaken cat, and began to take flight, flying down the streets at a tremendous speed as my booty cheeks exploded with rage, propelling me further. Arriving at a house in a dingy little town, I handed the (oh so horrible) creamy pussy to an old man, caked in cat fur and who knows what else, before sharting my way back to my pookie Emily.

Emily's POV:
As I awoke from my slumber, I saw my a-alpha, bakugo, standing above me, who absolutely stinks of fermented booty cheeks and god knows what else, waiting for me to lift my perfect petite body out of bed

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