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She totally regretted giving these people an opportunity. All their lives she thought that life wouldn't give them the chance to change and try to improve the mess that history itself has caused. And when they take a chance and think everything would change. It never crossed your mind that...

They would stand in front of a bunch of crazy people doing weird dances and eating everything in front of him.

The loud music deafened his poor ears to the point of bleeding, and the horribly composed screams and chants did nothing to improve it. The smell of booze made them sick and hit their stomach like a hard blow. They really didn't want to stay here anymore.

(Name) looks at Izo with a clear plea in they eyes, almost begging on her knees to do something, and maybe get out of there as quickly as possible. Grabbing her kimono from behind with one of their small hands carefully.

The man with makeup looks down and immediately notices (Name) discomfort, and immediately takes action to help them.

''Everyone's attention, please!'' He shouts loud enough for everyone to hear, aware that the volume of the music would fight his voice.

And soon his scream reaches everyone's ears, which consequently all eyes are being directed to the two brothers who were at the kitchen door, side by side. The sound diminishing at the same moment. They don't notice the shy figure that was behind the duo.

''Ah, Haruta and Izo! I'm glad you're back, we were having one last party before we left and headed back home.'' A man wearing a red hat with a symbol expressed happily.

''Come on, come and party with us!'' Another rather tall man with a dish hairstyle said after laughing loudly.

Izo smiles at her brothers' lively and fun atmosphere and would participate if there were no important matters to discuss at that very moment. Haruta then took over to help his brother with work

''We can't right now.'' His blue eyes noticed the crew members' clear confusion on their faces after stating their objection.

"Haruta? The one who volunteers to join these annoying guys who even laugh on air?'' - ''Hey.'' The cook says offended.

"We could, but we have a little something" to discuss now. '' Izo communicated, moving his arm.

A smile grew on your face as you revealed yourself, exposing yourself to the view of someone who was obviously interested.

The curious eyes instantly turn to shock and surprise. Causing an immense silence in the room, covering everyone present like a cloak.


''Izo, tf-''

''THE FOREST CHILD IS HERE!???????'' The man with the funny topknot shouts, cutting the silence immediately

''B-but how?-'' 

''Izo, how did you bring her here? Did you say something to... her?''


''WHO DO YOU THINK I AM, HUH?!'' Izo responds indignantly. ''SHE CAME BY HERSELF!!!''

''But then why did she come here?''

''That's why we're going to discuss'' The man with makeup looked affectionately at (Name), who still remained silent even in the middle of the shouting.

''Oh, a new guest then?'' The voice seemed to echo in the room like thunder, and the child's eyes widened at the familiarity in that voice. Without realizing it, they clung to Haruta's leg in fear.

There was this giant man, without realizing he was leaning forward. Standing right in front of his image, watching it curiously.

How the hell did i not notice him?! Like, look at the size of this MAN!

Second chance (WhiteBeard Pirates x F!Child!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now