Comincia dall'inizio

"No! I was passing, I heard!"

"You can hear through walls, then?"


"I know about your cloak, Potter," she sighed, smiling to herself as she turned her back to the boy.

Harry's eyes widened, "I don't know what you mean!"

She grinned slightly at him, "remember I knew your father, Harry. Go to bed, you already know the answer to your question."

Harry retreated the tower grinning from ear to ear, as he often did at any mention of James Potter, he pushed thoughts of Sirius Black to the back of his mind, focusing only on imagining Professor Blair with his dad and his invisibility cloak.


Juliet and Remus sat in his office, he at his desk, head resting on his hand as he flicked through a book, Juliet hunched over, desperately trying to mark her last few essays. Neither had spoken about their summer plans, Remus supposed he would go home, it would be lonely though, and Juliet was silently planning ways to ask him to stay with her.

Remus huffed and sighed as he tiredly flicked through his book, grinning whenever Juliet muttered something under her breath or looked up to roll her eyes at him. The man leant back in his chair, rocking backwards and forwards, making the witch slam her quill on the table.

"Shall I work elsewhere, Lupin?" She snapped.

Remus smirked and held his hands up, opening the drawer of his desk and spreading a piece of parchment over it, Juliet couldn't help but laugh a little as he did so.

"You really haven't changed at all, have you?"

He grinned, "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."

Juliet leant forwards, putting her quill down, pointing at Astoria Greengrass and Draco Malfoy being together and smiling. 

The pair saw the names at the same time, each recognising the same one. It took each of them a few seconds to process. Remus slammed the name with his wand and Juliet stood up slowly, leaning over the table.

Sirius Black

Remus grabbed his jacket and shoved his wand into his pocket, grabbing the witch by the arm as he rushed around his desk.

"Wait," she snapped. 

"Juliet, we need to go - fuck - Harry - look-"

"Look who else," she hissed.

Peter Pettigrew

Remus froze as he watched the name attached to Ron Weasley nearing Sirius Black.

"So he's..." Juliet started, her brow furrowed as she remembered Sirius' maddened gaze in Azkaban.

Remus shook his head and swallowed, "he must be."

"He was there for twelve years," she whispered.

"We need to go," Remus urged, taking the woman's arm again, "The whomping willow-"

Juliet's eyes widened, she'd been through that passageway once, she swallowed the lump in her throat, it made sense that Sirius would go there. The pair ran through the grounds as darkness fell around the castle, ignoring odd looks from Madam Pomfrey who they passed.  Remus cast an immobulus charm on the tree, and helped Juliet down into the passage where they continued to jog through until they heard voices. The witch had Lily Evans' voice in her mind as she ran, she remembered being here with the witch on a patrol, when she found out about Remus for the first time.

JULIET {remus lupin}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora