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The first thing you need to be warned about is the prickly exterior (and the fact she will slap your arm when you read out the last written sentence) Brynleigh can be quite mean (Very Mean) and it's not always pretty (It's always hot though) (that last bracketed commented earned me another slap🥲) (EDIT: I got a kiss) but she does warm up to you eventually (I'd recommend a swamp on Christmas Eve if you wanna date her) (EDIT: NOBODY COME NEAR THIS WOMAN WITH A SWAMP ON CHRISTMAS EVE SHE'S TAKEN) and when she does she's the nicest, funniest, prettiest, snarkiest, Hungriest girl you'll ever meet (that last part was added cause she wants snacks)

Although she can still be mad so tread lightly (I'm kidding don't be scared of her she's a human, not a dragon) (EDIT: BE AFRAID SHE STOLE MY COFFEE) She can be scary and rude still but it gets better and eventually, you'll realise you value her rudeness when it comes to yelling at employees when you can't.

Brynleigh isn't always a sweetheart but I mean who is? everyone's a bit bitchy at times and if you love someone you brush it away and that's something you have to learn to do with Brynleigh

As someone who's been romantically involved with this woman for about 10 years now it's not all sunshine and rainbows so Learn to love the rain and clouds just as much as you love the sun and breeze.

BB EDIT: You are very poetic, You deserved those slaps, You kissed me don't spread lies! your coffee was delicious I will be stealing more

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