The realization

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Ethan's POV
After Benny and I finally got done "working" for Erica, Sarah, and Bennys grandma after the whole love potion thing, I started to wonder about some things.

Seeing Benny be kissed by Erica was a crazy thing to witness to be honest. I never thought that would be a sight that I actually would see but since it happened. It confused me a bit. I always expected to be happy for Benny no matter what happened with any of the girls he was always trying to flirt with but to be honest now that I've actually seen it I hate that it happened. I hated seeing Benny be kissed by someone in front of me.

Benny and I haven't talked that much since that happened but I'll be seeing him at school tomorrow so hopefully I won't act weird or anything because I mean I don't know why I feel like....jealous.

But not of Erica, of Benny my lifetime best friend that has been by my side ever since I can remember, and there's no way he feels any sort of romantic feelings about me. But I'm starting to discover that I feel MANY of those romantic things about him. I actually think I've liked him more than just as a friend this whole time.

I like Sarah but honestly not like I do Benny and I just thought I liked Sarah in a romantic way since she's a girl and I'm a guy but it's not like that. I don't think she sees it that way either.

Oh my god I can't keep thinking about this I have to go to sleep and go to school tomorrow and see Benny and try not to think about well you I have feelings for him. ROMANTIC FEELINGS!! Ugh

I slam my head into my pillow and eventually fall asleep.

I wake up and eat my donut and get ready to head out the door for school. I'm excited to get to school I get to see Ethan and after all that work my grandma put us through it'll be good to just see him and not have to do any work.

I get to the school entrance and I wait for Ethan like I do everyday. I finally see him but he's a little late getting here than he usually is. He usually is NEVER late.

"Hey E, you're a little late today, stay up too late last night playing Nights of Ninjitsu?" I ask him lightheartedly.

"Uh no..I just couldn't sleep that well" Ethan says a little shifty.

Ethan seems kinda off there has to be something wrong with him.

"Uh Ethan are you okay" I say as I put my hand on his shoulder.

Ethan looks at me in the eyes and then stares back into the ground

"Yeah Benny I'm good" he says trying to reassure me.

I don't believe it but the bells about to ring and we got to get to class, I can't get another detention or grandma might actually turn me into a toad


Oh my god. I totally screwed up my first interaction with Benny. God why am I so weird with him now? Nothings changed between us, it's just me and the fact that I figured out I'm actually in love with my best friend of all time! UGH

I'm sitting in class right next to Benny as always and he's trying not to fall asleep listening to this boring lecture about Biology or whatever. I don't know whats being said either I can't focus right now on anything but Benny.

Oh my god why do I have to be so weird about this now ugh

The class bell finally rings and then Benny has to go to the other side of the school for his next class so I wave to him and then keep walking towards my class.

I have my next class with Sarah, maybe I should talk to Sarah about this. She's definitely not homophobic or anything, she's even said that she thinks a lot of girls are hot. So I am definitely gonna talk to her about this.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2023 ⏰

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