030: Retreat Camp (6)

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She decided that there was nothing unusual about seeing the people under her aunt in their vicinity. After all, her Aunt Jiwon owns the Shin De Luxe Hospital.

There's nothing to be suspicious off for Nari, but for the bystanders, they couldn't help but raise their eyebrows at the sight of several ambulances belonging to one of the largest private hospitals in Seoul arriving at the scene instead of those from the public or local ones. They found it unusual that such a prestigious hospital would be the response to the incident.

'The real suspicious ones are-!'

She turned her attention to the scene unfolding nearby, where police officers were escorting Heemin to a squad car. As her gaze fell on the burly men dressed in police uniforms, her eyes narrowed in a glare.

'Uncle's men! And why pick the largest men? Look at them uniforms about to rip open.'

Upon noticing Nari's gaze, Zeus sent an unpleasant grin her way. This made her scowl, visibly disgusted at the expression on his face. Unable to hold back her disdain, she promptly flashed a middle finger at him.

She couldn't help but flinch as she saw an egg soar towards Zeus, striking him straight on the head. Before she could further process it, an onslaught of objects rained down on him, including more eggs, rocks, shoes, and is that a child??

Her Uncle Jinho's men backed away, leaving Zeus to fend for himself as they refused to provide him with any sort of protection against the continuous barrage of projectiles being thrown in his direction.

"Disgusting piece of shit!"
"Go rot in jail!
"Burn in hell!"

As the commotion progressed, the Shin turned her gaze towards its source. Her confusion only grew as she observed some of the so-called police officers attempting to restrain the rowdy mob of individuals who weren't even affiliated with either her school or the retreat area.

One of the people in the crowd, who appeared to notice her staring at them, let out a gasp upon seeing her.

"IT'S NARI!!" he shouted.

The crowd turned their heads towards her direction all at once, reminding her of the girls from a certain department.

'Deja Vu.. mom, I'm scared-'


Her expression shifted to one of absolute bewilderment as the people suddenly began to pull out signs and posters out of nowhere. Some of them even wore clothings and headbands with Nari's face printed all over them.

"She looks better off with me."
"Man, take your meds."
"Mom, what are you doing here?!"
"Emma? Jocelyn?"
"Seth, honey??"

Nari, being the attention seeking bitch she is, decided to take advantage of the situation and fuel her ego by waving and sending flying kisses towards her newfound fanbase, which had the effect of intensifying their reactions.

Situated right behind the crowd parked a sleek black car that would arouse a sense of familiarity for Nari if she caught a glimpse of it. Gun, seated behind the wheel, was clearly distressed as Goo climbed up to him as he tried to gain a better view by the open window on the driver's seat.

"Ah shit, I can't see her! This is not fair!" Goo whined which made Gun irk.

"Suits you right for suddenly dragging me here as if I'm a driver of yours."

"I'm getting out!"


"Wait- where Ms. Cho?" Nari asked to herself, noticing the absence of the female tending her just a while ago.


Mira made her way in the female's direction, fiddling with the hem of her jacket, and eventually came to a stop in front of Nari's seated form who was already looking up at her.

"..How are you feeling?"

"Honestly? It hurts like bitch. I can feel my skull throbbing in pain." she answered, demonstrating her physical discomfort by clutching her head but still managed to let out a light chuckle, which prompted Mira to return a sympathetic smile.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For not taking what you said into consideration. I straight up doubted your statement, if only-"

Mira was caught off guard when Nari suddenly grabbed her hand and pulled her closer, followed by the noirette wrapping her arms around her waist and resting her face against her stomach.

"As long as you didn't go through all of this in my stead, I'm glad."

The brunette gulped as she found herself blushing profusely at Nari's unexpected action, she felt the sensation of blood rushing to her cheeks which was a situation that had become all too familiar to her during her encounters with Nari. However, this time, the feeling felt more intense and difficult to control, causing Mira to be thoroughly perplexed.

Her body felt hot and the sensation of a rapid, pounding heart could be heard pumping in her chest. In addition, Mira could also feel her stomach fluttering with what felt like an inexplicable ticklish sensation, she can't help but widen her eyes at the feeling.

New Love Interest Obtained! : Mira Kim

As she took a glance in the direction of the other ambulance, she was met with Zack's gaze, who was observing the entire scene from his spot. The injured boy grinned and even attempted to wave at Mira, but winced due to his broken arms.

Mira returned the smile that Zack had given her, but upon closer inspection, it appeared to be an apologetic one.

'I'm sorry, Zack. I can no longer help you with her.'


Words: 1.9k

12.25.23 Merry Christmas!!🎄

Oblivious (Lookism Various)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang