"We could.. go shopping." {Vivakou}

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(Some vivakou fluff requested by vivia_twilight!)

   Yakou sat at his desk.. bored and hungry. He looked around quickly and got up from his chair and walked to the kitchen.. He opened the fridge and to his surprise, there was nothing!

"Ugh, are you kidding me?!" Yakou exclaimed. He walked back out slightly irritated. Yakou turned to his desk to sit back down, but when he did, he saw his boyfriend, vivia, laying on his whole desk.

"Ah, hello darling.. you look annoyed." Vivia said, turning to look at yakou.

"I am.. I went to grab something to eat, but the fridge is completely empty!" Yakou said, putting his hand in his hair, stressed out. Vivia sighed.

"We could.. go shopping." Vivia suggested.

"Oh yeah, that's smart. i could- wait. We? You'll come with me?" Yakou asked. He smiled.. yakou really enjoys vivias company.

"I guess I will.. it'll be a.. odd date." Vivia smiled, getting off of yakous desk.

"Alright, let's go!" Yakou grinned, putting his hood up and grabbing an umbrella.

"You have money, right..?" Vivia asked, walking over to yakou.

"Of course I do! It's not a crazy amount, but it's enough for a good amount of food!" Yakou said, opening the door to the submarine

"Ladies first! Ah- uhm..." yakou laughed nervously, blushing of embarrassment

"Hehe... it's alright, I understand what you meant." Vivia giggled, walking out of the submarine, yakou followed behind, closing the door behind the two of them. He opened the umbrella and walked next to vivia, putting the umbrella over him.

"Thank you.. yakou." Vivia said, looking at yakou.

"You're welcome, vivia! I'd hate for you to get sick." Yakou laughed. They walked for a little, yakou talked, and vivia listened until they got to a store.

"Ah, look at that! We're here, " Yakou said. He closed his umbrella, letting vivia enter the building before him. Vivia looked around to find somewhere to sit. He walked over to an empty shelf and crawled in it and layed down.

"Ah- vivia! Come on get up, I'll buy you anything you'd like alright?" Yakou told vivia, he reached his hand out for vivia to grab. Vivia thought for a moment and hesitantly grabbed yakous hand and stood up.

"There we go!" Yakou kissed vivia and pat his head. Vivia blushed slightly putting his hand on his face. Yakou walked around the store grabbing stuff as he did. Vivia watched and admired him.

"Alright vivia, did you pick some stuff out?" Yakou asked walking up to vivia

"Oh.. no I didn't." Vivia answered.

"Oh well go and grab something! I'll wait for you don't worry!" Yakou exclaimed smiling at vivia.

"Are you sure..? I don't think I need anything here." Vivia said scratching his head.

"Well, if you say so! Let's go pay for all this." Yakou turned and walked to the cash register, vivia waited as yakou payed for everything. Yakou walked back to vivia with a bag.

"Alright let's go love!" Yakou grinned putting on his hood. Vivia smiled and they both walked towards the door. Yakou opened his umbrella while he walked outside, he walked next to vivia making sure the umbrella was over the both of them. Yakou talked and talked while walking back to the submarine, and of course, vivia listened to him ramble. He wasn't annoyed, he loved listening to yakou.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2023 ⏰

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