Otherworldly Heirs

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Chapter 1 : Oh, look, There's a Fictional Character in Our Room

    After two months of summer, four teens were trying to stretch their last weeks of freedom.

"Hey, guys?" said Eavrey, "There are letters for all of us." They all looked towards her, confused on how a letter for each of them ended up in her mailbox. "Really?" said Elanor. "I doubt it,"she said sarcastically. " See for yourself!" Eavrey handed each of them their letter, and they all went silent for a minute as they read through it.

After a while, Soule looked up and said "Dude, really? 'Hogwarts?' I'm not stupid, and neither are Elanor or Saraya. We all know Hogwarts doesn't actually exist. I know you're trying to mess with us, you idiota. Though, it could have been Saraya, but this isn't her kind of humor...definitely not." "No. If I did it, paint and ink would be all over my hands. Have you not met me?" Eavrey said, with a hint of sarcasm. "And that's not my handwriting."she said, showing her hands "That is true..." said Elanor, looking at the seal.

"Hey, this is real wax sealing, whoever sent this must be looking for some actual responses. Either that, or they're just trying to look somewhat professional." Elanor said as she tossed it on a coffee table. "Guys, if someone really did send these to us," said Saraya, "then it must mean something. Also, I'd love to speak to whoever made the wax stamp, the craftsmanship is extraordinary..." Elanor, across the room, squealed dramatically "Then we are going to the best school in the world!"

"Hell yeah!" shouted Eavrey, pumping her fists. Soule shuffled over to Saraya, who decidedly sat in the corner reading her book, staying silent. "What's the book ya got there, 'Raya?" Soule asked, tugging gently on Saraya's short, blonde hair. "It's Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows." Saraya murmured.

"Are you really reading that book that has the letters from Hogwarts?" Inquired Elanor, her forehead resting on her palm while she broke down giggling. "Wait," said Eavrey, "How are we going to get to Hogwarts if it's in a whole different, like, dimension?" she asked. "I don't know, but let's at least pack our bags, might be kinda useful?" Elanor announced. "Yeah, let's go." Replied Eavrey, grabbing Saraya out of the chair and dragging her away from her book. Saraya was not pleased.

A week later
The girls were all on their way to Elanor's house to figure out how to get to platform 9 ¾, while watching all the Harry Potter movies they can get their hands on "for research". "We should take these!" said Soule.

"Mmm...That would be a very interesting thing to bring." said a fairly familiar voice. "No, it can't be.." said Saraya. She raised an eyebrow, and turned slowly. "It's Professor McGonagall! No way!" said Soule in an uncharacteristically excited tone. "Oh, there's me on the screen...Well, girls, I see that you still didn't fully trust the letters?" "No, we're sorry Pro... Professor?" Peeped Elanor, still mildly surprised by what she was seeing.

"No matter," answered McGonagall, waving it off. "I'll have to get you girls to Platform 9 ¾ on time, but you all still have a while. Besides, you need supplies." sighed McGonagall. The girls all stood there, staring blankly at her. "Not to be rude, Professor, but how are we going to get there? It's in a whole different.. uh... world? Dimension?" said Eavrey.

"Honestly, don't you girls pay attention?" asked McGonagall, rubbing her temples. "I'm a witch, I have magic." "Oh! Right.." said Saraya. " Alright, let's go! Come on, come on! Out the door, now." McGonagall motioned them to come out the door. "May we say goodbye to our families?" asked Saraya. "Yes, you may." said McGonagall, with a smile. All 4 of the girls walked outside and said goodbye to their extremely befuddled families, then walked further on with Professor McGonagall.

"All right, hold on." said McGonagall. She opened a portal to the wizarding world and the girls were so excited and surprised that they couldn't move and inch. "It's so... odd. Kinda looks more like a tear in fabric rather than a swirly, colorful black hole that portals are usually portrayed as." Stated Saraya, curiously. "I think you'll find that with many things in magic, other worlds never get it right." McGonagall chuckled, shaking her head.

"Well come on, you'll be back soon," said McGonagall. "Ready?" asked Saraya, turning to her unprepared friends. "Ready!" Replied Soule, Eavrey, and Elanor.

When they walked through the portal, they were shocked to see not only the Golden Boy himself, but Ron, Hermione, and Draco Malfoy as well, all saying goodbye to their coworkers. They were at the Ministry of Magic.

"Well Professor, are these the girls I was told about?" said Harry, turning around. "Yes, and they are quite excited to be here." "Well girls, I have something for you," said Harry as he took something out of his pocket. "This is the Marauder's Map, I want you to have this just in case Voldemort comes back in some way. Or, y'know, just to mess with everything, that's always fun as well." He whispered, with a mischievous wink. "I've got a good feeling you'll be the new troublemakers, besides Scorpius. I swear, that kid's just as bad as his father..." He laughed dryly, with a glance in his dear frenemie's direction

"But Harry, I thought you destroyed all the horcruxes?" asked Elanor. Hermione and Ron walked up next to them. "We did, but there are still his followers who will do anything and everything to bring him back." said Hermione "I bet it will be Lucius." Scoffed Ron.

"Don't you dare talk about my father like that!" said a voice Eavrey and Elanor were impatiently waiting for. "Or what, your father will hear about this?" said Eavrey, with a fairly sarcastic tone. All the adults looked in shock and slight humor as she finished her sentence.

"Wait, I've heard of you. You're those girls from the 'other' with supposed 'magical gifts'. What a load of..." said Malfoy, tapering off. "Yes, we are." said Elanor stubbornly.

"Father?" Whimpered Scorpius. "Yes?" Draco replied, turning to his son. "Who are these people?" Scorpius asked, scooting behind Draco. "Uhh... what's his son doing here???" Soule inquired, quietly and in futile. "These," he said with the slightest sneer, "are the apparent MaGiCaL mudbloods. Soule, Saraya, Eavrey, and Elanor." He leaned over and whispered something in his ear that the others couldn't hear. Scorpius nodded.

Saraya laughed, and glared at Draco. "You've sure got quite the attitude for someone I could easily throw. It would be thoroughly appreciated if you would shut up, and let the adults do the talking, Malfoy." She cocked her head and smiled. Saraya was quite a bit taller than everyone there, and was towering above some.

Draco glared, mouth open, looking offended. He looked at McGonagall, mouth still wide open, then at Saraya, then at McGonagall, and then once more at Saraya, waving his hands slightly toward her, obviously forgetting what words were. He was not pleased.

Mcgonagall cleared her throat and attempted to break the ice. "So... the girls haven't been shopping yet. Anyone care to take them to Diagon Alley?" Harry grinned and raised his hand to volunteer. "I will. I remember how magical it was for me." Mcgonagall smiled warmly and nodded. "Thank you, Harry." She turned to the girls and whispered to them, "I'll see you four at school." With that, she transfigured into her animagus form, a tabby cat with circles around her eyes, and strut off.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2023 ⏰

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