Chapter 7 - I can't stop thinking about her

Start from the beginning

"You dropped off a lunch for him?" You asked Maria with an amused look, in disbelief.

" you think he'll like it?" She asked excitedly, sitting down at the table next to you.

"I think you're delusional" Ravi butted in grumpily, obviously not happy with the fact that Maria was crushing on 'a guy she didn't even know', or so he put it. "Why not just give it to him here? Why act like some sort of secret admirer?" he asked with an eye roll.

You chuckled quietly as Maria shot him a dirty look. "I'm just having fun! Plus, I don't want him to know it's me. I don't want him to think I'm weird or something-"

"Too late." you mumbled under your breath, earning a smack on the arm from her. "ow!" you groaned out, clutching your arm.


You heard a deep voice and you turned to the side, watching Miles as he slid into the seat next to Ravi, directly across from you. Ravi visibly cringed at this action, watching Maria with puppy eyes as she began to ogle Miles.

"Hi." She said softly, resting her chin in her hand as she stared at him. However, Miles didn't take his eyes off you. "Hey." You replied normally, still focused on Ravi's hilarious expressions. He reminded you of a cartoon character, and you could imagine steam coming out of his ears.

Maria pointed down at the bag Miles had put on the table. "You brought a lunch today?" She asked in a very obvious voice, smiling at him. "Nah. Someone left it in my locker." He replied, still looking at you weirdly. Strange. Did he know it was Maria?

"Oh, I wonder who could've done that." Ravi grumbled, earning another one of Maria's infamous dirty looks. "I wonder." You added on with a slight smile.

"Some secret admirer maybe?" Maria asked, tilting her head at Miles slightly. "Ion know. Maybe." He replied dryly, looking down at the sandwich. "Feels kinda weird to eat it."

"They left it there on purpose, so you might as well." You said, pulling out your own lunch. "Oh? And how would you know?" He asked, leaning in slightly and placing his elbows on the lunch table. You felt your face heat up slightly. "No reason." If you gave Maria away, she'd kill you.

"Uh-huh." He replied, shooting you a sly grin.

"Are you guys going to the festival this week?" Ravi butt in, visibly annoyed with where the conversation was going. "Festival?"

"Well, it's only the school that participates, so it's not really a festival. They just call it that." You said, taking a bite out of your sandwich. Cucumber...ugh.

"Anyways-" Ravi glanced towards Maria before looking back at you and Miles. "-It's the Fall Festival and it'll be on the school grounds. They'll have games, food, its really more of a carnival." He began to go on a tangent about the festival, explaining to a bored Miles how it worked and what would be happening there.

"The three of us go every year, you should join in." Ravi said offhandedly to Miles, as if he was hoping he'd say no. Miles looked at you for a moment before replying, "Sure."

Maria's eyes lit up and Ravi cringed again while you tried to hide your snicker.

"Great." He muttered. "We'll have so much fun together."

The lunch period eventually ended and the four of you parted your ways, with you heading off towards your next period of the day, physics, when you were stopped by none other than Flash fucking Thompson.

"Hey-" He started, a stupid grin on his face that was just begging to be wiped off.

"Get out of my way." You grumbled, facing forward and walking right past him, trying your best to ignore his presence. "Aww, come on, can't you just give me a chance?" He asked, grabbing your arm as you walked past him.

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