chapter two: Fights and tears

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Hailey Pov
I felt bad that I snapped at him. I had to make it up to him.
“Dom, do you know what room Finn is in,” I asked.
“Yeah…,” Dom said.
“What is the number,”
“He on the left side of me,”
“Ok and thanks, I will be right back,”
“Ok. Bye and love you,”
“Bye and love you too,”
I exited Dom’s room and headed next door to talk to Finn. I knocked on the door before hearing the door being unlocked. The door slowly opened to reveal Finn, but when he saw me. The door quickly closed on me. I knocked on the door again, but there was no answer. I knocked one last time before getting something yelled at me.
“Go away,” Finn yelled.
“Please can we talk,” I asked.
“Oh now you want to talk,”
“Let me go first this time. You were the one to yell at me about knowing the truth to Dom being back on the judgment day. Guess what I don’t and the only reason I made us leave that area was because to calm you down and get you water to drink. I had no idea on their plan, and if I did, I would have told you,” Finn yelled,
“I-i,” I stumbled over my words
“Oh look at that. Now you are the one who can’t talk. For now, you better leave me alone because I don’t want to see your face ever again,” Finn yelled and cried.
“Finn,” I cried.
“No and you better go run to your boyfriend because I don’t ever want to see you again after what you said to me. Do you get that,” Finn yelled.
“Yes,” I said, holding back tears.
I knocked on the door, and Dom opened. He pulled me into a hug while closing the door. I cried harder into Dom’s chest. I messed up everything, but the words go run to your boyfriend played in my head. I broke the hug and realized that Finn was right. I would run to Dom for comfort. I couldn’t help but run out of his room. I ran to the end of the hallway where the stairs were, I ran back down the stairs to the floor where my room was on. I pushed the door open and ran down the hall. Once I got to Emma’s room, I knocked on the door. She opened the door and saw that I was in tears. Emma hugged me and let me into her room.
“What happened,” Emma asked.
“I-I-I yelled at Finn before.. He told me the truth…Now he doesn’t want to see my face,” I cried hard.
“Oh god, and I’m sorry, Hailey. Hey, who knows, maybe he didn’t me it,” Emma said, grabbing some water.
“No he did.. I told him that he…backstabbed his family…then he said that to me,” I continued to cry.
“Aww, listen, how about we go and get something to eat, then go shopping before we have to leave,”
“That doesn’t sound that bad,”
“Yep and let’s get you calm down before we go,”
I started to calm down before heading out to get some food. The two of us went out to get some food. We stopped to get some deep dish pizza. I eat some of the pizza to make me feel better. I finished eating when I got a text from Dom. I forgot to text that I’m out with Emma to get some pizza and to go shopping. Me and Emma finished our meal before going out to shop. We went out shopping for an hour or two. Once we got back, Dom was in the lobby. He smiled at me before checking out. The two of us went to the rooms to finish packing. I finished packing and went back down to the lobby, I checked out. There was a car waiting for me and Emma for us to head to the airport. When we got there, we waited to board the plane. Our next stop was Neshville. I walked outside of the airport when my phone rang. I looked to see it was Jacob. I quickly answered it.
“Hello,” I said.
“Hey and how are you doing,” Jacob asked.
“Good and you,”
“Pretty good,”
“How have the Indies been treating you,”
“Honestly pretty good. Since I left, I gotten a chance for champion spot,”
“That’s amazing, and I’m glad it’s going well for you,”
“Thanks and how about you,”
“Pretty good and one half women’s tag team champion,”
“That’s awesome, and I’m proud of you,”
“Well I got some news for you,”
“Yeah and what is it,”
“Well Triple H asked if I wanted to come back for a little,”
“Yeah and that exciting,”
“Yep and they want me to come on Raw tomorrow tonight,”
“No way,”
“Yep, so I will see you tomorrow tonight,”
“Yeah and see you tomorrow tonight,”
Me and I hung up the phone.I waited for the car to come pick me up.I knew I had a high chance of seeing Finn tonight since all of us were going to dinner together. I hope he didn’t mean anything that he said. Half of me doesn’t even want to go, so I don’t have to see him. I saw the car pull up for me. I loaded my stuff quickly and got into the car. I noticed that everyone was coming out and that I was mostly the first one to leave. We drove off to the hotel and soon enough we arrived there. I checked in and got my room key. I walked up to the elevator and hit the floor that my room was on. I walked to my room and got into my room fine. I shut the door and throw my stuff into the closet. I laid in bed thinking about everything. Some time passed, and it was dinner time. I checked my phone to see the notifications about the dinner. I threw my phone down and laid my head on my pillow. My phone started ringing, I noticed that it was Dom, but I just let it ring. It started to buzz again, but this time, it was Emma. I still didn’t answer because I knew it was going to be about the dinner which I wasn’t up for. I still lay down on the bed before getting up for dinner. I changed into a different outfit before heading out of the hotel. I walked out to the lobby to wait for my ride. The car arrived and I was off to a different restaurant. I got there and ordered some food for myself. I was sitting there when I got text messages from Dom and Emma. I texted them quickly and told them I had fallen asleep. I finished up eating and headed back to the hotel. I wasn’t ready to see Finn tomorrow because what if he admits everything? I had to talk to him before the segment tomorrow night. I had to lie about everything before it’s too late.

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