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Silence. Not a single sound is heard in the lightly dim hall.

It's been a few minutes since we stumbled into this eerily silent hall, slightly distrupting the silence before we were shunned by Elder Yan and a few chastising eyes.

We filed ourselves into two lines trying to be as quiet as possible. Everyone in the halls seemed to be in the same position, filed into lines left and right leaving the middle wide open.

It seems the ball hasn't started yet.

Even in the dim light, it's quite impossible not to notice the beauty of the hall. Similar ancient paintings and artifacts design the walls, It was beautiful. Beautiful craftsmanship.

The people in the hall looked entrancing. I could only make out a few faces due to the dim light, but they all looked  beautiful and regal. Dressed in beautiful fabrics that emitted their confidence. It made me feel slightly anxious as I place my palm on my shirt smoothening it.

"Announcing the arrival of Queen Korra Grande of Taiwan" A voice Hollered out loud causing most of the people's eyes to snap towards the huge carved closed door .

Light pooled in  and everywhere suddenly became bright. My eyes flicked towards the door as it was slowly being opened.

"All hail Queen Korra" Everyone in the room respond although slightly out of synch as they lowered their head. Not wanting to look out of place, all the boys lowered their head too including Elder Yan. Such a old tradition they're still following.

It wouldn't hurt to have a quick peek at the Queen, would it? To see the horrible monster that kills without a second thought. She'd probably have horns if I dutifully follow the descriptions made by known storytellers.

Loud heels click on the hardened floor making me flip my eyes back towards the door as my nails digged into my palm with anticipation. Slightly standing on my toes I squint my eyes due to the sudden harsh light, and that's when I saw her.

Walking with complete regality, she captured the whole room . Her face stoic, her presence dark and her demeanor demanding. She had her head held high in enviable confidence. She looked beyond beautiful.

She took a drink from the maid beside her as she stood confidently in front of the crowd. That regality.

"You may rise" She ordered as she stretched her drink towards the crowd. Even her voice held Power. Everyone quickly raised their head before looking towards her.

"A toast" she stated making everyone quickly grab a drink before raising it. I quickly grabbed a drink from the tray a maid was carrying throwing her a tight smile before snapping my eyes back to the queen. 

"To Taiwan"

" A toast" Everyone responded in synch gulping the drink. Sweet.


My eyes stays trained on her as she adjusted her beautiful black gown before downing her drink. I don't think anyone could look this good in black.

She had a huge grin plastered on her face as a man whispered in her ear, probably her personal guard. He's been with her since she came in, sautering cautiously after her anytime she talked to a few Elders.

Even as mesmerizing harmonies and melodies thrummed from beautiful instruments, I haven't let my eyes off her since the ball started.

Most of the boys already mingled around cluttering in groups as they whispered to each other about the beautiful girls dancing. Even Titian had a smile plastered on his face as he whispered to a boy behind him. Elder Yan had already found herself in a conversation with one of the Elders in Taiwan, weird. 

Dangerous EnchantmentМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя