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I remember that night so clearly. That night that put this bitter taste in my mouth. Outside I looked okay, but on the inside I was deeply insecure. Afraid to give another boy my heart-that's where the problem laid.

I vowed to never seen him again-to never feel as much pain as I did that night-to never give anyone a sense of control over me as I was so blinded by the fact he actually liked me too.

I recall standing in my mirror smoothing out my dress and thinking "Will I look good enough for him?". Waiting for what seemed like a decade for a knock on my door from my best friends Russy and Yanna; who offered to take me to prom. I fiddled with my fingers the whole ride, hoping, praying that he'd be there waiting for me to steal his breathe anyway. He was there. But I wasn't the one stealing his breathe. He stood there soaking in all of her radiating beauty.

My heart sank 30 feet under. He was suppose to be doing that to me, it took hours upon hours for me to get ready just to be a fraction of that girl's effortless beauty. My best friend, Yanna, tried to make me feel better by diverting by attention to something else.

That helped for a while until some loud intoxicated idiot stumbled up to me and asked me why I wasn't with the guy I was suppose to be with. All eyes were on me then. Laughs and snickers filled the air. No words came out. I wished they did. I looked across the room at him. He was looking at me. But I couldn't read his expression. I was sure it was some smug look with him thinking to himself "ha,she actually thought I was going to take her to prom?" and my assumption angered me.

I usually can take a lot of things but that was one that I couldn't take. My cheeks became flushed as I ran through the crowd to get to the exit. Blurry grinning faces escorted me out. I hated everyone and I hated him.

A few days later I saw him at a party, how silly of me to go to a party and think I wouldn't have saw him there. He stood there looking amazing as always in his olive green shirt as it makes his bronzy skin glow in the colorful lights, black jeans and matching SnapBack and jacket, along with Tims that pulled it all together. God, he sure did look good. "Stay strong" I thought to myself as I approached him.

Not long after I began my thoughtless stride to the other side of the room, a popular girl from the eleventh grade stopped me.

"Davin right?" she smiled.

I shook my head 'yes'.

"Oh my GOD! Girl come over here!" she cooed as she pulled my arm over to the far right of the room where the seniors gathered. Her friends all look at me like they've just got their new headline for a gossip magazine. Oh God this can't be good.

Lily, the second most popular girl in the school at the time, she was fairly tall, almond-skinned, and had long pretty hair, leaned forward and asked me "So is Diggy as good in bed as they say he is?". Those words she spoke to me made my stomach sick.

I chuckled "What? What are you talking about?"

"Diggy said he was with you.."

"No! No, he wasn't! Where did you hear that?" I demanded an answer from her. She nodded her head over where he was. I looked back in horror.

Kayla, another popular girl, added "It's okay honey! No one is judging you! If anything we're envying you!" she stares admirably over at Diggy "who wouldn't wanna be under that?"

All the girls agree. "He's one fine Junior! I'll tell you that!" they continued to add. I staggered up intoxicated with the amount of disbelief I had from that whole situation. I look around and my eyes focused on Diggy. Why would he do something like that? Desperate for answers I started to approach him. His boys all turned to look at me. Don't get nervous.

"Hey" he spoke nonchalantly as I walked up to him.

That angered me if only he knew what he put me through. My level of anger had raised at his response; I couldn't put a lid on it.

"Can I talk to you privately?"

"Whatever you need to say. You can say it now. Cause your not getting much time anyways"

Tears began to form in my eyes. This wasn't about to be that scene from Grease I thought. Suck it up!

"So it's cool for you to act like an asshole now, right?"

"What are you talking about?" he said as he sat down his drink.

At this time everyone at the party was looking our way. Yanna and Russy's faces were distraught as they looked at the crowd. But I didn't care. I wanted him to feel the same amount of embarrassment he gave me. Or try to make me feel it.

"Just the night before the prom you were talking about how you were excited to go with me, then you stood me up?"

His boys all snickered. "I never said I was going to prom with you. And I would never say I would be excited" he looked at me like I was crazy.

"So it's like this? All for what? What have I done to you, Diggy!" I pleaded "We practically grew up together and you trust me like this?"

Diggy looked back at his boys as if he was conforming something, this wasn't the Diggy Simmons I grew up with. Every word he spoke was piercing.

He turned and looked back at me " I mean I don't get what you mean because I never asked you to prom in the first place. After one night the girl thinks you two are a couple." He stopped and looked for my reaction. I couldn't speak even if I wanted to. I just stood there looking dumbfounded. Is he seriously saying this to me?

He took a deep breath "Here let me make this as plain as I can possibly get it for you. They are called one night stands for a reason and I'd never hang out with you on a regular day".

My mouth trembled as the words came out of my mouth. " I never had a one night stand with you! Please tell me your joking!". He threw his head back in frustration to my response. He should've been the last one getting annoyed here.

Oooohs were released into the air as I rushed out of the room with my two best friends behind me and my stinging hand from punching Diggy hard in the eye with all my mite. Let's just say I released some anger that way.

Ever since then its been awhile since I last seen Diggy. Maybe I'm holding a grudge but it's just the fact that I've trusted him so deeply and for him to have treated me like that. That was a long period of not only heartbreak but of humiliation too. Rumors spread around the school like wild fire and some of them never ceased. And that happened my 9th year now I'm in my 12th year of school, with only a couple of days left. But I haven't seen Diggy in about 3 or so years and I don't plan on it. I mean

Its Been Years

And its made me stronger. You'll be surprised at how much a girl can endured.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2015 ⏰

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