1. Memories and Curly Hair

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Chapter 1: Memories and Curly Hair 


My parents are dead. My. Parents. Are. Dead. I can't seem to let that sink in. They're just gone and are never coming back. It seems so unreal, like it's just a nightmare and I haven't woken up yet. A tear rolled down my cheek as I thought of all the memories we had. 

All the times my mom would take me shopping; all the times we had girls day out. All those baseball games that my dad took me to; all the balls we caught together. All the family vacations we went on; all the adventures we had together. All the laughter, the smiles, the tears, and the memories we shared. All of them end here and will never happen again. 

My phone vibrated next to me interrupting my thoughts. I wiped my wet cheeks; I didn't even realize that I was crying. I looked at my phone to notice another missed call to add to my collection. I sighed as I threw my phone onto my nightstand and arose from my bed. 

My flat is quiet and lonely since I live by myself and don't really socialize. After my parents' death, I didn't know what to do with myself so I moved and shut everyone out of my life. During the funeral I didn't say anything and I didn't say anything after either. My sister warned me that it could lead to depression but I don't care I just don't know what to do with out my parents. Technically I'm not old enough to live by myself with no parental guardians, but I don't have anywhere to go. Luckily for me, my sister is 21 so I wasn't put up for foster care. 

Slowly I made my way to my kitchen and put a kettle on the stove. I seated myself of the cold marble island and waited for it to finish. A knock on the door caught my attention and I pushed myself off the counter. Who could be at the door? 

When I opened the door, I saw a tall muscular boy, probably my age, standing in front of me. He had curly brown hair and bright green eyes; he was smiling at me revealing his dimples. 

I smiled up at him as I waited for him to speak. He cleared his throat and said, "Hello. I'm Harry. My friends and I just moved in down the hall and I just wanted to say hi." 

I pulled my hand from the pocket of my sweat pants and waved at him. He looked at me with a confused expression. 

"Don't you speak?" he asked. I sighed and shook my head no before looking at the ground. 

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable." He apologized. I smiled letting him know that it was okay. 

"So we're flat number 202 if you need anything. See you around!" he waved before making his way down the hallway. I waved back as I made my way back into my flat. The kettle sounded from the kitchen and I went to go get it when a note slipped under my door. 

I never got your name, love. 


I flipped the paper over and quickly scribbled my name on the back before pulling open the door to my flat. Silently I shuffled my way over to 202. I slipped the paper under his door before making my way back to my flat before he saw me. Picking my teacup up I walked over to my couch. 

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