New Friends

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Daithi gaped a moment, those blue eyes catching his. The man froze a moment before his face relaxed into confusion, tilting his head.

"Hello, you new around here?" He asked calmly and Daithi frowned, wondering if this man recognised him. "Uh, hello?" The man asked pointedly as Daithi didn't respond.

"Oh! Oh, uh, yeah, I'm sorry. Yeah, I'm new here, I'm actually headed down to see M- uh, Sark now to pay the deposit. I'm Daithi, it's nice to meet you," he said awkwardly, holding a hand out to shake the others.

"I'm Tyler," he said, shaking Daithi's hand with a gloved palm. Tyler. This was one of the guys that didn't want his race exposed. He wondered at the gloves, since it was August in California and way too warm for him to need gloves. But he figured it had to do with whatever he was and it'd be rude to ask about it.

"You're human," Tyler commented, Daithi chuckling. "Yeah, I am. That's, that's not going to bother you, right? I uh, don't want to make anyone here uncomfortable," he said and Tyler shrugged, tucking his hands into his pockets.

"Nah, I deal with humans all the time. Kinda have to going to a major college in California," he said and Daithi remembered Sark had said he was one of the ones going to UCLA too.

"I'm starting UCLA next week, is there lots of non humans there?" He asked curiously and Tyler shrugged. "I'd say non human to human population is about 25/75. Brock and Brian, they live on the first floor, they're my friends who also attend. So are Evan and Jon, they're right there. Most of the people in this complex are good friends actually," he commented and Daithi nodded awkwardly.

"Right, well, I'll let you go see the dog. Uh, I mean Sark. Yeah, uh, see you around," Tyler said awkwardly, giving him a nod and continuing to the stairs.

Daithi stayed where he was a moment, waiting for Tyler's footsteps to disappear. He shook his head, completely bewildered. There was no way Tyler had been a hallucination yesterday at the hotel.

But what had he been doing there? Was it a coincidence? Or something more? Daithi really wished he knew what Tyler was now, but he also didn't want to push. What if he was something dangerous?

As he headed down to Sark's office, Daithi couldn't get the exchange out of his mind. Tyler didn't feel dangerous, not like the aura of power or unsettlement he felt around most non humans. Like Marcel and Kris earlier, he could feel the ancient power around them. Sark felt like raw strength, that flight attendant feeling like a whimsical, floaty power.

But he didn't feel any of that around Tyler. He felt like, comfort? As if he should be comfortable around him, as if he was safe. He'd never experienced that kind of power before, and normally he was pretty good at knowing when someone was a non human.

Séan called that 6th sense like instinct almost non human, but Daithi knew he was human. His parents had traced their lineage back centuries once, and neither of them had any hint of Supernatural in their blood lines.

Daithi realised he'd been standing in front of Sark's office for at least 5 minutes without doing anything and shook his head to clear it. He'd see Tyler again later, he had more important things to deal with now.

He knocked on the door and headed in when Sark answered, smiling faintly at the man. "Ah, Daithi, was the apartment to your liking?" He asked as he gestured to the chair and Daithi nodded, taking a seat.

"Yes sir, I think I'll be very comfortable here," he said and Sark smiled brightly at him. "Wonderful, now we'll need the deposit, which is just the same amount as your rent, and first month's rent, and the $50 charge," he said, pulling a pair of reading glasses down and typing at his calculator.

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