A Journey to Healing

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In shadows danced a fragile soul,
A girl with secrets, yet untold.
Unaware of the storm within,
Her choices marred by unseen sin.

A tempest brewed within her core,
An unseen battle, fought galore.
Through highs and lows, a turbulent sea,
Her heart adrift, longing to be free.

In moments where clarity would sway,
A rollercoaster of emotions at play.
Unsteady steps on shifting ground,
In a reality where solace can't be found.

Mistakes were made, a tangled thread,
Woven in a tapestry of hues, misled.
A symphony of pain, a silent scream,
In the labyrinth of a shattered dream.

Yet, in the darkness, a glimmer shines,
A chance for healing, where hope entwines.
For in understanding, she finds her way,
To brighter skies, a brand new day.

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