Chapter 2

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*10years, ago ... At the palace of Versailles*

Lou's thoughts made her remind about the past. The time when she was a child who had the chance to visit the palace of Versailles as it was a celebration of the concubine who is going to give birth to a little prince. All the princes and princesses of the neighbouring Kingdom were invited to celebrate this auspicious news.

She heard a lot about the crown prince who was best known for his abilities in magical arts. She wanted to learn magic so that she could defend herself from enemies and help others But Lou's father always forbade her to learn magic. As he always worried about her daughter's safety. She thought that if she could express her matter with the prince he may be able to help her achieve her dream.

While roaming around the palace grounds she saw a beautiful flower which was glowing in a tree. "That's a Sundrop. The drop of sunshine which fell on earth which transformed into a flower. If I gave this to the crown prince he would be impressed."

Lou climbed onto the tree but the flower was so high for her. "I can't reach it."

Suddenly she saw a young boy who has long black hair which was tied into a high ponytail practicing his swordsmanship. He swished his sword in every direction and fought with the dummies. The boy looked handsome and she watched his movements carefully. "If I could ever learn like him I swear I could be great."

The boy heard the whisper and looked upward. Lou hid herself in the branches. "crap ....." She cursed.

He continued to practice and Lou tried to get the flower suddenly she lost her balance. "aaah ......"

The boy heard her voice and jumped very high to catch her. He caught her in a second and they landed safely onto the ground. "Why did you come here?" He asked.

"I .... was just passing through and then I saw the Sundrop so I wanted to catch it."

"Why do you need it?"

"I wanted to give it to his royal highness. I heard a lot about him. He is known for his magical abilities and I wanted to learn it. But my father forbade although he says it's for my safety but I know what he thinks. Young girls like me shouldn't be like boys."

"Who would say such a thing?" The boy asked gently. He continued, "there is no girl or boy criteria here. Magic can be learnt by anyone who has a talent for it. Express your matter with the king."

"The King is no different from my father. He'll say the same. But I know the crown prince would help me. I heard that he is very kind and.... Beautiful."

"Ooh ...." The boy raised his eyebrows."What else do people say about the crown prince?"

"He is very brave."

The boy smiled. "If you want the sundrop then I'll give it to you."

He casted the incantation towards the flower and it fell towards Lou's hand. "Wow.... It shines so brightly."

"It's a very extremely rare flower. The flower shines brightly because it has the essence of the sun's light."

"I always wanted to have this for myself. To plant it in my garden. By the way I'm Lou Reed." Lou introduced herself.

The boy thought. Lou, the princess of Les Loges. She must be here for the celebration of concubine Sardou's pregnancy.  Suddenly she saw a group of people came to the castle gardens in a rush. She saw a woman wearing a crown who has a bump in her stomach. This is the concubine Sardou. "Who is this low life you're talking with, your highness?"

He is really the royal highness. Lou suddenly flinched at the realisation and looked at the boy in shock. "Madame Sardou, be careful with your words. She is a guest. Just because you are carrying my brother doesn't mean you have the liberty to speak filth to our guests."

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