part 69: ow my poothy

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10 years after the planet drool incident the planet was bought out by new owners and opened up the amusement park once again. Not too long after the opening my friend, Angela and I paid the park a visit just to relive our childhood memories. As soon as we parked the car, I felt something off about the place and so we made her way to the entrance, and we were stopped by security.

"what's going on? did we do something wrong?" Angela asked in an awfully high-pitched voice.

"we received a tip from a guest that one of you were hiding a concealed weapon on you," the security guard points at Y/N with a long, veiny finger, "come with us."

not wanting to start trouble, i followed the two crusty, old security men. they were silent as they led me to a 'employees only' room. the hinges on the thick metal door squeaked as if it wasn't oiled in ages. the smell of mildew hit me as we walked into the dimly lit room.

"sit, the boss will be here shortly," crusty old security guard #1 said, pointing to a rusty, metal chair. in front of it was a equally rusty table, a pair of handcuffs attached to the top. i cautiously walked to the chair, the cold metal sending a shiver up my spine.

the two security guards left, the door slamming behind them. i jumped at the loud sound, my head snapping towards the door. 'i'm alone...' i thought, an eerie feeling shooting up my body. the buzzing sound of the light filling up the room as a couple of random bugs crawled on the floor. i fidgeted with a loose thread on my shirt, the minutes feeling like hours.

i let out a soft sigh, my leg bouncing from the anxiety. what were they going to do? why would they think i have a weapon on me? i just wanted to have some fun with Angela... i hope she's ok...

my thoughts were interrupted by the familiar squeak of the door, a gust of cold, electrifying breeze coming into the room. i turn my head, a blush creeping on my cheeks as i made eye contact with an extremely tall robot, a handsome face covering the round screen.

"w-who are you?" i asked, my voice shaking with nerves.

"i'm the boss," he laughed darkly. "i was made aware of the... situation..."

my eyes widen as i remembered why i was here in the first place. "i swear i don't have anything on me," i said, my shaking voice making me look like a liar.

the mystery man laughed, electricity shooting out of his body. "well... we will see about that. clothes off, kitten."

the blush on my cheeks darken, my mouth agape as i processed his words.

"i don't have all day, i have a amusement park to run," he said, getting impatient.

my hands trembled with nervousness and excitement as i reach down to the hem of my shirt, slowly pulling over my head. my hands trail down to my jeans, unbuttoning them and pulling them down. i kicked them to the side, covering my chest with my arm as my blush deepens more. he reached over to me, his claw-like metal hands clamping on my arm. he pulled it away, looking at my body.

"mmm, interesting..." he smirked.

"w-what?" i looked away, pressing my thighs together as i feel a pool of heat growing in between my legs. i wasn't sure why i was so attracted to him, must be the electricity... and his god-like body... and his face... am i in love?

"you're gorgeous," he said, his voice deep as he bit his lip. my breath hitched in my throat as i look at him. "may i... kiss you, kitten whiskers?"

i couldn't speak; it was as if someone stole my voice. all i could muster was a small nod. his claw was still clamped on my arm, squeezing it lightly as he pulled me to him. he leans in, his luscious lips plump as he prepares to kiss me. i close my eyes the moment my lips press on the screen, a soft moan leaving my mouth. we kissed for what felt like hours.

"i need you, kitten shmookum..." he muttered against my lips, his voice trembling with desire. "i need to feel you around me."

he pushed me to the table, attaching the handcuffs to my hands. i look back at him over my shoulder, my eyes filled with lust as i spread my legs apart a bit. my chest was pressed against the cold table, my breathing heavy. he went behind me, his claw clamping around my sheer red g-string. he ripped off my g-string, throwing the shredded piece of fabric to the side. my eyes widen as he pulled out his long, shocking cock, a large usb plug for a tip.

"t-that won't fit!" i yelp.

"i'll make it fit," he growled as he positioned behind me, rubbing the usb against my poothy. he slid it in, the pain of his cord stretching me out making me cry out. he slowly started thrusting, grunts leaving his mouth as he slowly picked up speed. my cries of pain melted to moans of pleasure as he drove deeper and deeper and deeper... and deeper.

"i'm gonna fill you up, shmookie poo," he moaned, his cord twitching as his electric shocks shot out of his usb tip. the sensation pushed me to the edge as my body shook, pulling against the handcuffs as i cry out in pleasure.

his thrusts slowed down before he pulled out, his long, veiny cord hitting the ground with a thump. he walked over to my hands, unlocking the cuffs. my knees gave out below me, falling to the ground. but before i hit the musty, gross floor the man caught me, scooping me in his arms.

"i-i never got your name," i muttered as i looked into his eyes.

"Mr. Electric," he grinned. god i'm horny again. "and i am electrically in love with you, my darling kitten shmookums."


electric love (Mr. Electric x Reader Smut)Where stories live. Discover now