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KRIST PERWAT.. come after his bath..he waring his suit and ready for his job..sane time news broadcasting in tv..

   "....we found dead body on railway track.  Due to train passed on the person it's very hard for police  to identifythe person at first . But after further investigation police identified that person as Mr.Karan sukla. Our sergent general Namathan sukla brother. Due to this reason case became very effective. Police will brought justice to us. Let's see this police bring justice atleast her brother....."completed his breakfast he switch off his tv and went for work. Preparing himself for they will work ward today...

   Krist is police man. Recently relived batch with merit score. So immediately he got job..


Same news watching by kong also. His hands shaking with fear. What if police caugth them they only throw that person...that person happens to police brother . What if they caught's ok if it is only kong..but what if they come to arrest Arthit.

It's his fault that they got out from train in that area.if not Arthit don't struck in this's all his fault.

Same time Arthit come to the living room. Yes both living in same house...that's it. Seeing that news arthit feel anxious.he immediately went to his room and close the door.

   Kong immediately rushes to Arthit room..."Arthit please open the's not like we caught..thry just found that dead person body.. please come outside..."kong begging Arthit with tears.

   "They will soon come to us..that person is police officer bother..they will find us soon..iam going to arrest bevausw of you..that's what you want right..don't worry if I caught by police I will not tell your name..just leave me kongpob..I don't want to see your face right now.."Arthit shout angrily.."it's all because of you "

Kong heart turn into pieces hearing that..Arthit is hating him.. he collapsed to the ground crying infront of Arthit room.that other person not even show his face to kong..


  "How's the progress?"krist asked his friend bright checking the case file.

Name: Karan sukla
Time of death: ××× night 10pm -2am
Cause: Aspexia..wire printing marks around the person neck which cause the person deatth..
Found one person fingerprints on the dead person body..investing the owner of the fingerprints..

  " Trust me krist..what century they are the station no one was there that day. One and only Station master also was in leave. About cc. Only one Is working ..that to it only work when it want to..just see the person captured by cc tv"bright said showing cc tv footage to Krist..

   It's really look blurr..they only saw one person..who they are suspecting murdurer..because other then that person no one record in cc tv.

" Now my head really spinning..I will go and get some coffee"said Krist and went from there..

   "Ohh..krist you BASTURD just now you came fir work..where the hell you are going.."His frind bright shouts.."this little..always do like this..skipping his duty time...

Krist also heard just with smile he left to cafeteria .


At the same time kong come to police station to surrunder. If kong surrunder taking all blame on him..they will not cone to Arthit. He will not let any harm happened to Arthit.

Kong eyes catch Krist who sipping his coffee happily.. kong became tensed.

   "Don't worry.Even if I caught I will not tell your name to anyone"

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