- f o u r t e e n

Start from the beginning

third person.

sage had never cared to learn family history.

if you asked her, nothing about her dad's lineage interested her, because the only goal of john routledge's only daughter was to be a better parent to her kids than he was to her.

from a young age, sage knew her dad didn't care for her. it was apparent when john b would be praised for everything from making his own sandwich to wiping his own ass, but sage couldn't do anything right. no matter how hard she tried to do something that would please her father, he was never a fan of his daughter.

sage admittedly took it out on john b, resenting her younger twin from a very, very young age, however that all stopped when she was a teenager and realized that john b was in her corner more often than not. the boy constantly went to bat for his sister when it came to their dad, and it was something sage could appreciate later in life, but it didn't change the fact that big john was more of a side character in her life than a father.

so, trudging through a graveyard in the dead of night, sage though she had an idea of where john b was taking them, and she wasn't pleased with it at all.

"this place is scary as shit." morgan mumbled.

"everyone on my dad's side is buried here, i have no idea where mom's family's at." sage replied, taking the flashlight john b had passed her and clicked it on, shining it around the cemetery. "so, are you gonna stop trying to be the edge lord and tell us why we're here, or are we gonna have to play a game of twenty questions to figure it out?"

"y'know when you listen to a song and you can't remember who sings it?" john b asked.

"okay, we're playing twenty questions." morgan mumbled.

"redfield, this whole time, i thought it was a place, right?" john b questioned further, sage nodding slowly. "well, it's not, it's our great-great/ grandmother, olivia redfield. that was her maiden name."

john b shined his flashlight up at a white stone tomb that was overgrown in weeds, sage actually smiling a little at the fact they were finally making progress to help her brother's delusion.

"voi-effing-la." jj said bluntly from behind the routledge girl, exhaling a cloud of smoke from his blunt as he did, morgan shaking her head.

"nope, not it." she stated, jj glaring at her out of the corner of his eye.

"guys, come help me with the door." john b told pope and jj, the maybank passing his blunt to sage as he went to help him and pope push on the stone door of the tomb, the trio making little to no progress.

"you're doing amazing, ladies, keep up the effort!" sage cheered from behind them, a loud hissing making the three jump back. jj practically jumped into sage's arms as a large snake slid out of the small hole between the tomb door and the doorway, the pogues and morgan all scrambling out of the way of the animal.

"that's a moccasin alright! ye olde dr. cottonmouth!" jj announced. "it's death in tall grass-" he stopped himself from speaking, running towards the snake and, much to everyone's shock, starting to bark at it.

"jj- jj!" morgan shouted.

"jj, shut up, shut up!" pope whisper-yelled at the boy.

"i'm gonna throw your blunt if you don't stop!" sage threatened, jj turning back to the group, his headlamp shining directly in their eyes and making sage step back, shielding her face from the large light.

"what?" he asked cluelessly. "they're afraid of dogs, everyone knows that."

"no, honey, they aren't." sage responded, sounding more like jj's concerned mom than anything as she gently rubbed his shoulder as to say 'i'm sorry for my son's behavior."

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