prologue - 23/7/2018

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uruyasu is a smaller city in chubu prefecture, and it's not very well known (compared to tokyo)


When Y/N L/N found out she was moving from Uruyasu to Tokyo, to say she was disappointed was an understatement.

"Really?" Y/N mumbled, just the slightest twinge of bitterness flashing through her eyes. She was born and raised in her little house and school in the small (but comfortable) province. To suddenly move before her first year of high school was totally devastating— she had her entire life built and planned in their little city, too. And how was she even supposed to tell her friends? 

Her life was totally over.

"Mom, are we really moving? Theres no way, I've been here for like, ever.." She trailed off, (color) eyes looked up at her mother hopefully— with just the slightest hope of this situation being a prank. To move away from her entire childhood city was like ripping out a piece of her heart; maybe she was being dramatic— sorta out of character for the ever so awkward girl— but she couldn't help but be attached.

"Yes, n/n, we're moving soon. I know that you're attached to this city, but your dad got a new job, and it's better for our future, y'know?" She said, as lovingly as she could. Y/N hated the sickly sweet tone— especially when they both knew it was fake.

Even though the summer had been insanely boring this year (she spent the entire summer on her couch or bed, watching Netflix all day, only leaving when she felt like there was nothing else to watch), switching environments would be hectic for her— too hectic. Begrudgingly, she sighed softly before bitterly walking back to her bedroom. The cozy, well decorated room with posters of her interest and the desk setup she had taken care of so dearly. She hated the idea of leaving, especially to some big-shot city that would be loud and crowded and (probably) stinky because it was a big city. Dragging the empty boxes into her room, y/n looked at the messy room before her, where she would need to decide what to keep and what to leave. Honestly, she would have taken any and everything in that room, but she obviously couldn't.

After a long and tedious amount of sorting stuff into their boxes, y/n couldn't help but take a long look at the mostly empty bedroom— she'd miss this place. For the last time, she flopped down onto the (now) plain bedsheets, rolling over so she'd be on her back, and staring up at the ceiling.

'Whatever.' She thought with a sigh, melancholy swirling in her e/c eyes.

'Not like I can do anything about this, anyway.'

The moving trucks would be here in an hour. The train to Tokyo would arrive in three. It made y/n almost bitter with how little time she has left in her hometown, before she would be in a whole new home, but she really couldn't do anything about it. For now, she would just close her eyes, let herself bask in the familiar feeling of her home.

Soon, she'd be at her new home, and she'd have to make new friends, and she'd have to go to a new school.

What a bad day.


i'm getting paid to write this ff LMAO, but megumi is my pookie so i'll try my hardest to update consistentl

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2023 ⏰

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