2 baddies 2 baddies one porsche

21 3 0

(This chapter title has nothing to do with the actual plot)

Johnny smirked and looked up, walking towards tens desk. "Just my luck... out of all people, it HAD to be you." Ten muttered under his breath, but of course Johnny's ears had to catch that. "Witty is it, How it looks like fate has a sense of humor." He laughed. Ten tried his best to signal Yang Yang with sign language they agreed to learn together, but Yang Yang wasn't looking at him, as was rest of the class, they were now preoccupied with the rest of the names. Johnny never wiped that stupid smirk off his face, which annoyed Ten too much.

The teacher's sharp tone sliced through the classroom, instantly quelling the brewing showdown. "PAY ATTENTION, BOYS! You're not the only ones here. Unless a date in the detention room sounds appealing to you?"  Ten gasped in horror at the thought of being in the same room as Johnny, alone. Even worse, He's gonna wreck his no detention streak which he was proud of with his whole heart, but even worse was the unexpected association with it as a date. 

Johnny's smirk only grew even more. "Relax cutie~ It ain't a date if ya don't enjoy it." He whispered, almost sending chills down his spine.

Ten knew he could come up with an extremly quick comeback to that, but he couldn't force the words out of his mouth, praying to get out of the situation.

To tens happiness, the bell rang after what felt like an eternity spent in hell. His face scrunched up into his signature cute smile.

 His face scrunched up into his signature cute smile

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With a speed that would put any unboxing YouTuber to shame, Ten practically yeeted his textbooks into his bag. He was more than ready to dip out of what felt like the ninth circle of educational torment. His eagerness to escape was palpable, each hastily stowed item a tiny victory against the clock that had tick-tick-tocked over what had to be the longest class in history.

"Dismissed"  Mr. Jeon called out, almost run over with every student trying to force their way out the door. Ten almost sprinted down the hallways, until someone grabbed his wrist. He turned around and saw Johnny. "What?" He said, trying to get rid of Johnny's grip on his wrists. "Girl, i need you number so we can contact?" Ten scowled, still struggling off his grip. "Firstly, do NOT call me girl, Secondly, we both know you've slid into my DMs more times than a TikToker does dance challenges. And for YOUR information, our parents are basically hosting a study date for us, their practically asking us to fck with our books or something" He glared at Johnny "And- let- go- of- me!" He begins to kitty punch Johnny with his free hand, careful to not drop his stuff.

Johnny smiles softly. "I want to wipe that smile off him so bad, its so annoying."  Ten thought as Johnny finally let his hands go. 

"See ya later Ten~ Come to house, k?" Ten flips him off but silently makes a mental note he has to go to Johnnys (Annoying) house.

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