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Pinellia novel
Chapter 222
Turn off the lights small medium large
Previous chapter: Chapter 221Next chapter: Chapter 223
Chapter 222


Zhang Mi looked at Wu Yunqin, feeling that she might have heard or misunderstood. She said in a joking tone, "It can't be the legendary fairy, right?" She thought she was joking

, But after she finished speaking, she found that Wu Yunqin and the leader of the wood clan were looking at her very seriously. This solemn atmosphere made her have to restrain her smile.

"What? Is it really a goblin?"

Then, she saw the two men nodded.

Zhang Mi:...? ? ?

What the hell? Is that big tree a goblin? The kind of goblin that only exists in legends or movies and TV shows, and is transformed from animals, plants or even inanimate objects and can use various magical spells?

Zhang Mi suspected that he had not woken up, otherwise how could he hear such ridiculous things from the two agricultural experts in front of him who were supposed to be very scientific?

However, the two big guys didn't pay attention to her mood. When she was confused, they had already communicated.

Mu Yuncheng was also surprised that Wu Yunqin actually knew about the wood ancestor.

Probably because of their old age, the elders of the wood clan are not active. In recent years, they have found a place to take root and sleep. The time they sleep is counted in years, and they rarely appear in front of others.

So even though this is a semi-open secret, not everyone in the agricultural community knows it.

Hearing Mu Yuncheng's doubts, Wu Yunqin smiled and said, "My mentor was lucky enough to have dealt with one of them, and she told me." To be honest, she couldn't believe it at first, but when she

saw After getting more and more confidential information, I have to admit that there may really be fairies in this world.

Just before, after Zhuang Shisong and others proposed the theory that mutated garlic fell into dormancy after advancing and possessing consciousness and emotions, Wu Yunqin also doubted whether the mutated plants born on the prison star were related to fairies.

Of course, this was just suspicion, and she had no evidence to support it.

After all, in the tens of thousands of years since humans have set foot in the interstellar space, no animals, let alone plants, have become sperms - even

cubs that have completely turned into wild beasts due to the madness of their bloodline have never been able to recover into humans later on. Not to mention the human form evolved from animals and plants.

Therefore, Wu Yunqin only regarded this suspicion as a subject for personal research and did not tell anyone else.

Judging from the current research results, mutant garlic does react much more strongly to the outside world than other plants, especially... to the voice of the breeder Su.

This is the most puzzling thing for Wu Yunqin, but if it is attributed to the mutant garlic's love for the Su breeder, it seems to make sense.

She was conducting further research in this direction, but had not yet obtained any particularly valuable breakthroughs, but she did not expect that Mu Yuncheng would bring her such news.

The prison star... is actually the home planet of mankind!

The moment he heard the news, Wu Yunqin felt his scalp numb. Some of the things he had never figured out before seemed to have been answered, especially - why do

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