After that fiasco, or atleast that's what it felt like to Sasaki, he let go of Miyanos hand and moved himself closer to the edge of the bed and pulled Miyano in for a hug he so desperately needed. Miyano, still rubbing his back, wrapped his other arm around Sasaki and hugged him tightly. "Shuumei?" Miyano finally spoke again with just as much concern as he had five minutes ago. "..yeah..?" Sasaki spoke very quietly. He really still didn't feel like speaking but he didn't wanna keep leaving Miyano hanging and worry him for longer. "Do you wanna tell me what's wrong?" 'God his voice is so sweet.' Indeed it was. But what was he going to tell Miyano?

"I don't know." Well i mean that's true but doesn't really help the situation. "What do you mean you don't know? Did something happen?" Sasaki was getting mildly annoyed. Not because of Miyanos caring questions, because of himself. what was he supposed to say now?? 'idk' was all he had. 'I guess that was pretty vague... but i really don't know' He was trying so hard to think of something before miyano spoke again. "Shuumei? Are you okay?" Damn it. He needed to say something. "im- im sorry i just- it's true, i really don't know. im sorry that answer was vague i just don't have anything left to say. nothing even happened to me i dont know what's wrong with me i-" Miyano cut him off "Hey! Hey... Shuu, it's okay! it's okay to just feel sad sometimes. There's nothing wrong with it, and there's nothing wrong with you okay?"

God Sasaki felt like crying again, but in a good way this time. ".. you're gonna make me cry again Yoshikazu.." Miyano suddenly pulled out of the hug out of surprise, "!? What?? Did i say something wrong??" Ah, he's so dense sometimes. Sasaki lightly smiled and spoke again "No no it's fine i- i meant more like in a good way" "Oh! um okay... Are you feeling better now though?" 'God hes too cute! he's so sweet!' "yeah yeah im okay i just- it's weird i don't usually cry like this. Or at all really-" Miyano cut him off again, "Maybe that's it then." "What is?" "Maybe because you don't cry often or maybe you bottle stuff up, your body decided it needed to cry" ... well shit that kind of made sense. "I guess that would make sense..." Sasaki said a little flustered. He looked back up at Miyano and Miyano spoke again, "Are you sure you haven't felt any stress or been overwhelmed lately? That could be another reason to cry like this." "I don't think so? It'd be pretty weird if i was stressed and didn't know about it" "yeah i guess that's true."

Miyano had an idea. "Do you want to watch a movie? Or something?" Sasakis eyes actully lit up a little. 'This means i get to cuddle him!!' "sure." that's all he said. he likes to keep his cool after all... most of the time. "Do you want me to grab some snacks or anything?" 'I love him so much.' "yes please." he was still speaking quietly. "alright i'll go grab some stuff!" Before Miyano could even stand up Sasaki grabbed his arm. "WAIT!!!" Miyano, very confused, whipped his head back around to look at Sasaki. "yes?? what is it s-" Sasaki cut him off. With a kiss!! He just wanted to kiss him. He grabbed Miyanos cute little face, pulled him back in, and smushed their lips together. This easily made Sasaki smile and giggle because he knew it would fluster Miyano, which he thought was cute. They then pulled apart and looked at each other for a second before Sasaki said "I love you!!!" Miyano, still blushing, smiled and reciprocated "I love you too Shuumei" he giggled a little himself. "I'm gonna go grab those snacks okay? i'll be right back."

Miyano returned with Sasakis favorite everything. favorite candy, favorite chips, favorite drink. "I'm back! I um.. forgot to ask what you wanted so i just brought your favorite stuff.." 'Adorable.' "Thanks Yoshi. What did you wanna watch?" Miyano looked at him questioningly "huh? i was gonna let you pick. you know, because you're sad and i suggested this for you and i just wanted make sure you were happy so-" Sasaki couldn't help but laugh a little. "You're too cute!!" Miyano glared at him. He couldn't stay mad though, Sasaki was pretty cute too.

Sasaki spoke again, "well anyway my brain is still a little foggy so i'd like you to pick something. i like when you pick stuff out, it reminds of the manga exchanging we used to do in high school. and i always liked what you suggested to me." This definitely made Miyano flustered. "al-alright then i'll pick something." He handed Sasaki the snacks to put over on his night stand and Miyano joined him on the bed. Not even a split second later, before Miyano could even fully settle down, Sasaki was already cuddling him. Miyano didn't mind much, he was used to it. 'Aww!! I enjoy his affection so much.' Miyano loved Sasakis constant physical affection though he wishes he was more like that himself, able to initiate the way Sasaki does.

But Why?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora