:[staying for the night]:

17 3 5

Taco was walking through the forest, feeling somber from the few nights before. A couple days ago, mic left taco, and left the game too.taco couldn't seem to get it off her mind.

It was so distracting that she didn't realize the footsteps in front of her, she fell to the ground when she bumped into the unknown possibly threat. She looked up. it was apple, on the ground in front of her.

Apple finally recollected herself, and open her eyes to see taco staring at her perplexed. "Oops sorry!" Apple apologized as she stood up. Taco was more irritated than anything, still in a mood from her somber thinking.

"And what are you doing in the middle of the night out here?" Taco asked with a snarl, rolling her eyes in the process. "Sorry, I'm not really allowed to talk to you, though i don't know what allowed means.." Apple said, taco looked at her with slight disgust.

Then she sighed, "why aren't you allowed to speak to me?" Taco asks, Apple looks to the side, then back at taco.  " Marshmallow said not to talk to people who could potentially hurt me physically and mentally, whatever those mean, and I know my Bestie well, you would probably count." Apple answers.

Taco looks away, the feeling of jealousy rising in her chest, remebring how it was SO easy for Apple to make friends with someone who used to be her enemy. It was unfair, taco actually tried, while all Apple did was being clingy. And as soon as that thought rapped her head another one came along, maybe she didn't try hard enough, maybe it only worked for Apple because she had a chance to be around marshmallow, while all taco could do was send letters that weren't even getting to pickle.

"Wait a minute... why are you out here?" Apple ask, going against what marshmallow told her." Curious are we? I'm just heading back to my camp" Taco sighed,  "c-camp?" Apple ask, concern. " well i can't stay at the hotel, I'm definitely not wanted there." Taco answered.

Apple shifted uncomfortably, taco saw how uncomfortable Apple was of the conversation, she liked it. "Wait, s-so where do you sleep?" Apple ask, shifting a bit more. Taco thought for a moment but ultimately decided to tell the truth, as she knew that it was getting to Apple, of course only because Taco was feeling salty from the moment before.

" well I can't sleep in a cave because there might be bears there, and I can't sleep on the ground because  some animals find tacos abitizing, so I have no other place then the sky! Or well, my tree." Taco answered.

Apple immediately burst into tears taco laughs to her self, staring at Apple with a grin, but that soon changed. Apple ran over and hugged taco. "THAT SO SAD :( "  Apple said, hugging taco tightly, "w-what the bloody hell are you doing!?" Taco yelled puzzled, it has been a while senes she has been touched by others, so it was pretty much a new feeling.

"I FEEL SO BAD! THOSE ARE TERRIBLE LIVING CONDITIONS!"  Apple cried, taco pushed her off, stains of tears on her chest and stomach were left. "Ew, God damn you...would you stop being so pathetic?"  Taco groaned.

"I wish there was something I could do!" Apple cried once more, her tears finally drying. Taco looks at Apple with slight disgust, she hated how Apple was pitying her, taco didn't need pity. Not one bit!

"Well there is nothing you could do about it! So leave me alone!" Taco yelled, she was retreating back to her tree, but Apple suddenly had an idea.

She grabbed tacos arm, right before taco was about to pass by her. Taco stared at Apple a. Bit, small heat rose up in her chest, her face cheaks flushed, before her face turned to disgust. She forced her hand out of apples.

"What do ya want now?" Taco groaned annoyed. " I know how to help!" Apple yelled excitedly. Taco glanced at Apple for a moment, all of a sudden, Apple grabbed tacos wrist and started running the other direction.

Taco wasn't strong enough, and got dragged
To who knows where!

( just a heads up, I don't think taco was around during the haunted Manison episode, and even if she was, she couldn't get inside, as she had to watch from the outside which wasn't much, as she could easily get caught, so she doesn't know about bow, or dough).

Taco was bickering, but Apple was listening. " let go of me you fool! Where are we even going!?" Taco let out irritated. " well you not allowed  in the hotel, so you can come with me to the haunted mansion! " Apple said happily.

Taco was never the spiritual type, but she could never see her self going into a building that was called a HAUNTED Manison. Taco looked up to see lights faded on the distance.

Soon they left the forest behind and taco sees a old two story house that looks like it could fall apart at any moment.  She was so uncomfortable, looks like the tables have turned.

The doors were open and marshmallow was waiting inside, Apple comes over and hides taco behind her, marshmallow didn't notice. "There you are Apple! Where were you? I didn't think you'd come back from your midnight walk!" Marshmallow sighed.

"Well I'm here now marshy! And I brought something home!" Apple said happily, marshmallow stared at Apple concern, Apple is not the best with home gifts. Last time she brought a uranium bomb, thankfully they were able to get it out, and now there is a new cave at the bottom of crappy cliff.

Apple dragged her arm over, bring taco into few. Taco was clearly upset. " can we keep her?"  Apple asked, "the hell? No! She is dangerous!" Marshmallow complain. " but she  has no where to go! She sleep in a tree, that's terrible!" Apple defended.

Taco sighed to herself, they were acting as if she was a stray animal. " I don't trust her, again she could hurt us! And what did  I say about talking to those who could hurt you?" Marshmallow sighed.

"PLEASE " Apple ask, doing the puppy eyes, marshmallow stared at her. Then glance at taco, taco seemed to looked the other way, trying to avoid eye contact.

Marshmallow sighed, "fine, BUT only for one night!, she is leaving tomorrow morning. " Marshmallow has given up. Taco face litten up a bit, as Apple face turned to an excited expression.

"YAY! " she yelpd as she walked inside with marshmallow, taco following behind.

I wonder what's going to happen now? :)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2023 ⏰

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