You stepped backward until you hit the wall and then slid down it until you were sitting on the ground. You broke into sobs, your arms coming to rest on your knees before your head fell against it.


Tony was standing in front of one of his screen. His tie was untied, sitting on his shoulders, with his coat thrown over the nearby stool. His eyes weren't leaving the live footage on the screen. Tony couldn't stand seeing you like this. He was blaming himself.

"Boss," FRIDAY interrupted, "you're going to want to see this."

FRIDAY moved the footage of you over and opened up the news. There, front and center, was a picture of Tony and Pepper kissing.

"What are they saying?" Tony asked.

"The reports say that the two of you had dinner together that ended in a kiss. Most sources are hoping that the two of you are getting back together."

Tony sighed, running a hand down his face. "How do we fix this?"

"Unfortunately, the only way would be to reveal your relationship with Miss L/N."

"Not an option. Just... send out a response saying that the two of us have moved on."

"And the kiss?"

"Shit. I guess we can say I'm still a playboy."

"I'm afraid many still believe that, Boss."

Tony huffed with anger and. annoyance. His hands went down and rested on the desk in front of him, leaning him forward while he head hung down. "FRIDAY, I don't know what to do."

"Help is on the way, Boss."


You were still huddled up against the wall when Wanda entered. The Team had been called up by FRIDAY, where the AI and Tony informed them of what happened. While they were figuring out a plan, Wanda slipped away to see how you were.

"Y/N?" She called gently as she came over to you.

"Did he send you down here?" You rasped.

"No. I came by myself." She slid down the wall next to you. She gave you your space though, not wanting to push you into anything.

"Did Tony tell you?"

"Yes, and we saw the news."

Your head snapped up. "The news? It's on the news?"

Wanda winced at your tone. "Yes."

"Wanda... I'm scared. I... I care about Tony a lot. I may even love him. But... I can't compete with Pepper and the press. Pepper's the right age for Tony. She's strong and beautiful and the press loves her with him... I... I'm twenty-five, just got my Ph.D due to this job. I'm not as beautiful as her... I don't know if this will work."

"Y/N," Wanda place her hand on your knee, "I'm in a relationship with a robot. That shouldn't be able to work. You and Tony's relationship is normal. Tony cares deeply for you. None of us have ever seen him this way, even with Pepper. You are better for him than she ever was."

You nodded, taking her words to heart. "And the press? How do I handle that?"

"You don't need to. Tony and the others are taking care of it. Tony will make things better. He will always try to do that for you."


Wanda took you to your floor, leaving you there alone. You told FRIDAY to inform Tony of where you were and that you would like to see him whenever he's done. You were standing in your living room, staring at the glowing skyline, when Tony exited the elevator. He was nervous, scared that he had ruined this relationship like he had done before.

"Wanda told me that you and the Team were working on dealing with the press," you said quietly, not moving to turn around.

"Yes," replied Tony, taking timid steps to you. "We got it taken care of and still have our privacy." You silently nodded. "Y/N, I am so sorry that all of this happened. I— I know that I'm a handful and that this is partly my fault."

"What?" You turned around. "Why would you think that?"

"I went to visit with Pepper despite your feelings on the matter."

"Tony, I told you to go."

"Yes, but I could tell that you really didn't want me to."

"That's not—"

"And Pepper's kiss got caught on camera and sold to the news outlets. I should have been more careful. I... I understand if this is too much for you. If I'm too much for you." You gave him a sad smile and a chuckle. "What? Is me being open funny to you? I'll admit that it's not normal but I—"

"No, Tony, that's not it." You walked up to him to close the distance. "I was having insecurities too. Like my age and my looks and—"

Tony tenderly took your head in his hands. "You are the most beautiful woman to me. Please, don't ever doubt that. Okay?" You nodded, growing emotional. "Okay." He pressed a light kiss to your lips. "And the age thing? Age is just a number. I never act my age anyway." That got a small laugh from you. "There it is. That laugh I love."

You wrapped your arms around him and pressed yourself close. Pressing a kiss to your head, Tony wrapped his arms around you. "Thank you."

"You're welcome, though I don't understand exactly what for."

"Just... for being you. I'm just really thankful for you."

"I'm thankful for you too, spidey-girl." He kissed your head again before barely whispering, "I'll forever be thankful for you."

You closed your eyes and just let yourself hold Tony close. You knew that this wouldn't be the last of the rough patches of your relationship, or even the hardest of them, but you had faith that the two of you could make it through anything that came your way. You just needed each other.

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