AT THE END P.T 4 ( edited )

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Akira pov
"flower breathing fourth form crimson hangoromo "  I mumbled. It was inaudible as I was in a water Bubble and my movement was very stiff. The user unleashes a singular sword slash that curves and twist grace fully. My hit wasn't Smooth but it did the job. My attack directly hit a shattered looking point and made the bubble pop. Somehow my bubble was weakened from its outer structure so a little force from the inside broke it.

I think... kokoshibo weakened it. It was nearly indestructible. I need to thank him. As the water buble popped I tumbled down and gasped for a breath of air and coughed out a sum of water that was in my lungs. I cought a glimpse of kokoshibo fighting that demon so vigorously. He was poisoned I guessed from the purple swelling from his face. There was some blood dripping down from the corner of his eyes, nose and mouth coating his once neat and tidy kimono in a mix of blood and ash accompanied by some damages to his kimono. Strands of hair was loose and flowing about in the air from his high ponytail. His look looks so devastated, hurt, enraged all at once, merging in to his face.

" Did he...did he think he...lost me. If so I need to calm him down before he destroyed the whole village!!"   I grumbled and stood up with the help of a tree branch. " feet feels like jello." I said getting a hold of my self. " Maybe if I slow down my heart rate a little I will be able to slow down the poison flow before it gets to my heart. It will buy me some time but not too long.." I said watching the on going fight happening before my eyes.

Kokoshibo Pov
I have been going at with him for what seems like hours but he countered all of my attacks with his own. But something doesn't seems to at up...he seems much weekend than he is.. he looks as if he is in his less powerful form.

" Aghh I had enough of this bull shit...the sun will rise sooner or later. If I didn't finish this before then I would become fucking pathetic ash!!!" He growled his usual cocky grin replaced with a frustrated frown. " Oh yeah me too!!! Either way it will end up being you dead!!!!!" I yelled charging towards him. " That's one thing we agree on. And don't gets so cocky. Ooh I can't wait to wipe of that fucking grin out of your pathetic face!!!!"

"Don't fucking jinx it Giyoko" I looked at him straight in the eye. Which I saw Giyoko shivered at. " Cut that out that's fucking creepy!!!" Giyoko rambled out. " Oh just admit it you pathetic ass you scared..S.C.A.R.E.D spelled if it wasn't obviously" I said throwing a legendary comeback at him. " Uhh like I said don't be too sured with your self." Giyoko said rolling his eyes at me. " What never heard of the word scared~~ I can show you a scare that you'll be begging your death sooner or later" I made a comeback as he looked slightly taken back from what I said.

He looked confused as he slowly realize what I insist upon. " Why you little. I will show YOU fright!!"he yelled. " Ten thousand gliding slime fish!!"
He summons his most devastating attack. Hence the name, he summons a grand total of 10,000 slime fish from a number of different pots situated every where to swarm towards his opponent and eat them.

Suddenly a swarm of fish surrounded me started attacking me. I did best I could but some of them took bites of my body as I also defended my belly with my kimono sleeve. Speaking of which my hair was let down by now and is tangled my kimono has a mixture of blood, dirt and threads in the fabric. Once majestic kimono has become a disheveled and unrecognisable

  I fought them off as best as I could. But some of them got bites out of my body. Every time they bite me I feel my body sting from the pain and want to scream but I couldn't I pressured my body too much and fell to my knees as my body gave out. I felt my body ache and I have reached my limits. I have exhausted all my energy.  I felt light headed from extreme blood lost. I was gonna black out any second now. " No...NO not now. I don't wanna be unconscious. Who knows what will happen when I do black out. Probably worse for me and the baby. And if he brings me back to him I will have no escape will be there for entirety for sure. And not in a million chances will I ever let that happen. " I started to fight back with a surge of power until all were gone.

I started to tune in and lightly heard swords clash nearby. And a figure became clear as it approached me. " Akira!!! How were you alive" I shouted in astonishment as she let out a hand to help me up. "Yep. Alive as ever " she said in her usual cheery voice so soft and gentle that can lull you to sleep. " I..I saw you die in there." I said as tears started to swell up in my eyes and wetten my cheeks. " Well have I ever told you that I can hold my breath for a quite a lot of time" she said tapping her cheek

" Don't you ever do that ever. You scared me alot you dumbass Don't ever go dying on me ever again " I said as I hugged her tightly soaking her hoari. " Sure sure we will see about that now we have fight to finish. Shall we" she said patting my back. " Huh how did you escape??! And how dare you countered one of my strongest attack??!" He yelled as he quickly glanced at  the spot were Akira was trapped. We looked at each other and nodded to each other with new found confidence as we attacked him at the same time.

He had no time to react as he had to counter the attacks we through at him. Technique after technique we carried out our attacks cooperatively and precise. All our attacks were coordinated and didn't leave any space for mistakes. " I had enough of this. I thought I will never use it because I never thought I would but here we are " he said as soon as he said this we stoped in our tracks and looked at him confused.

He smirked as he tried to mutate in front of our very own eyes as he transformed into a more grotesque and horrific being than he previously was. He was transforming into a merman like creature possessing two long arms. The tiny hand around his body disappeared and a fish and snake like tail got attached from his upper torso. He came out of the pot as he appeared a creature that would haunt your dreams. We stood there paralyzed by the creature in front of us shock visible in our faces. Now he does resembles a uppermoon.

But we weren't discouraged. It's the opposite. We were more in couraged than ever to defeat him. He cackled as we once again started attacking him. But only this time he perfectly countered them with his own not letting one hit him. " Killer fish skale "
He yelled. This was his most power full attack. It lets him deliver even more devastating barrage of physical offense. One hit Akira on the back making her loose her balance and knock her to the ground and coughed up blood. The spot where she was hit drawn out blood.

" Akira!!" I yelled. Giyoko only smirked at this. " Her presence only infuriate me more. So join us again and be a uppermoon again. Just think of the power you will have. " He said trying to convince me to go to him again. " No never. I won't ever join you again!!" I said dashing towards him " moon breathing sixteenth form moon bow, half moons" i yelled. A upwards, sending six curved slashes crashing down several meters in front of the attacker, powerful enough to leave crates in there wake.

It didn't directly hit him but it distracted him enough for Akira to do the final blow. Flower breathing final form eguinotional vermilion eye
A focusing technique that raises the users kinetic vision to it's maximum. While using this technique the user perceives the world as if it were in slow motion. Usage of the technique, however is dangerous. As the tremendous strain on the eyes could cause blood vessels to rupture and lead to partial or complete blindness. ( In my fanfic she is the creator of flower breathing and the only one who could use the form without going blind. ) Her eyes turned blood shot red from the strain and the attack directly made contact with giyoko s head cleanly slicing it clean off. 

" you fuckers you... you cut my head off how dare you." He yelled as he slowly started to disintegrate. The sun rose from the horizon and Gyyoko witnessed the sun  which he couldn't witness for centuries. His eyes leaked tears as he said his final words " it's....beautiful..."

And disintegrate to nothing but mere ash. I fell to my knees as i felt reliefed wash over me as I fell next to a uncouicios Akira as I got a full view of what we used to call home now disheveled and burned. "We..we did it Akira..we defeated him. We defeated uppermoon five" I said to a barely conscious akira as I too blacked out from the fight I had .
Hello there anime watchers. Soo how was the ending and before I forget should I put my own breathing and techniques that the original demon slayer breathings were missing. Comment on that. Oh yeah so back to the story I feel this is pretty good compared to the first fight I wrote a while ago. And someone asked me about kokoshibo giving birth. About that it's closer and soon there will be a chap about it thank you so much stay awesome stay sweet I hope your having a great day or night and as always

Remember to be hydrated and drink plenty of water

Your beloved
~A/n chan~

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