•Chapter 2•

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Sitting at my table writing on my computer was a daily basis already. I was working for me and my daughter and I was trying to get over my divorce. My wife cheated on me after 10 years of marriage.

We have a daughter of 17 years old because we wanted a baby so bad that's why we adopted a little girl and she grew up calling us moms.

I have to take her of her alone now since my wife found someone younger and more handsome than me. I am 37 years old now and I don't think I look horrible now. I am indeed older than 17 years ago when we first met but she did leave me.

I heard the door opening and a drunk person coming in laughing like crazy. It must be my daughter. She definetely was at another party again.

I stood up from my chair going immediately to her seeing her with one of her friends.

Again my daily basis, working my ass off because being a CEO isn't easy at all. Trying to be here for my daughter and seeing her drunk every night isn't even my part of the job.

"Heidi, again? How many times do I have to tell you that you shouldn't throw parties on school nights?"
I looked at her sternly, hoping she would understand even tho she looks like she got born right in this moment.

"Come on daddy, I am popular and everyone loves my parties"
She protested still holding her friends hand trying not to fall to the ground.

I took her from her friend and gave her a small nod as thanks that she brought Heidi back home.

Sometimes I doubt she's even my daughter. She was a shy little girl, scared to let go of me and her mom. Now she doesn't even want to see me anymore. I am always alone. She hates me because of me she doesn't have a mother anymore. She thinks I let her go and that's why she has to live without a mom now.

This loneliness hurts so much and I am starting to into depression more and more. No one talks to me anymore, no one wants to know about me. I am alone in this world.

I bring Heidi back in her bed getting her undressed because she smells like chlor, alcohol and cigarette smoke. I didn't raise her like that at all. I am so disappointed but if I tell her she just leaves and never comes back home until I call the police to find her.

I went to sleep with my stress dreaming about all the bad things that happend to me in my whole world because that's how I live every time. I just believe I don't deserve hapiness.

I woke up knowing what to do today because I had everything planned.

I went to do my morning routine, getting my make up done and putting on a reaveling dress.

I knew exactly where to go and what to do.

I went to the one and only "Waraha Records" company.

"Excuse me miss, how may I help you?", said the sweet lady at the entrence.

"I'm looking for Mrs. Waraha. I am Mrs. Austin her daughter's teacher. I had to talk to her about her daughter's behaviour. Can I see her now?"

Of course I lied to her, I couldn't say the whole truth.

"Let me call Mrs. Waraha and ask her. Just a second"

I see her leave the table and I hoped this will work or I have to change the whole plan and I don't have the time for that.

"Mrs. Austin, Mrs. Waraha waits for you in her office. Take the elevator to the last floor and the first door on the right"

"Thank you so much, miss"

Yes! I worked! I mean I'm quite good my charms and lying is my forte.

I took the elevator as the lady said and knocked on Mrs. Waraha's door.

Hearing a faint "come in" was a sign for me open the door.

Seeing her sitting at her table working on the laptop and wearing glasses made my work even better.

"Mrs. Waraha?"

She looked at me from head to toe and stopping at my breasts that were showing a little bit.

"And you are?"

"Charlotte Austin, I am here to talk to you about your daughter Heidi"

She scoffed and put her glasses on the table beside her laptop.

"Nothing new but you look too young to be a teacher, aren't you?"

She leaned back in her chair checking me out and I wanted to spread my legs for her right there.

"Plus, I talked to all of Heidi's teachers and none of them were you"

Shit. This woman's smarter than I thought.

"I am her friend not her teacher but I couldn't get in without saying I am older than I am in reality"

She scoffed again

"What did she do this time?"

I sat down and I told her everything I planned to tell her, of course not the truth that she took my girlfriend but something bad but also true about Heidi.

I tried to get more undressed for her and some things like that and for my surprise she liked it because she kept starring. Not even trying to hide it.

"How old are you Miss Austin?'

I had to lie to her because I couldn't tell her I was 19, I was too young for her but I didn't care.

My revenge was to date Heidi's mom to destroy Heidi. Now I want her between my legs too.


She chuckled and came closer to me making me press my thighs together.

"Wanna go for dinner together tomorrow night?"

Gosh this was perfect and I didn't even plan this. This woman was incredible and maybe I will get to see her naked, who knows?

I smirked at the thought.
"I would love to Mrs. Waraha"

She smirked too and stood up and offered me a hand to stand up.

I gladly accepted it and went to the door looking back at her.

"On that tissue right there, is my number. Call me if there is anything or if you feel lonely", I said to her smirking and I left from there.

My plan is working so good. I am so glad she is an easy person. I won her heart so fast. I will destroy this Heidi until I ruined the last piece of the puzzle.

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