𝒴/𝓃𝓈 𝓅𝒶𝒾𝓃𝒻𝓊𝓁 𝓅𝒶𝓈𝓉

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Warning! Rape, Murder, and Suicidal Thoughts!

"Well then prepare to worry..."

"What?...for which one? Are you ok?!"

"Both have happened to me...but I'm alright."

"Oh...tell me what happened so I can help you feel better!" He gave you that large, loving grin he had earlier. You just loved it. It was absolutely beautiful.

"Ok. Well..."


When you were only 7 several men had attacked you. You had left about noon to go get food for your family and had lost track of time while talking to one of the townspeople. One of the men grabbed at your waist as you tried to run from them. You dropped the bags you were holding and made a run for it.

"Oh, she's a feisty little one. Get her boys!"

The other two chased after you and one managed to grab your wrist causing you to twist around and face him.

"Well, well-" you swung your leg at his right temple. He stumbled away from you but he didn't let go of your wrist.

"Oh fuck no. Dad! She kicked brother in the face!"

You groaned in pain as the other male grabbed you by your ear and dragged you to a car.

"We'll just take her home and have fun~" you gasped when you figured out what they were talking about. You had to go...now!

"Hah. You're not going anywhere doll." You glared at the male beside you and saw thick, gooey blood oozing down the side of his face. You must've hit him pretty damn hard. But the blood...it gave off a sweet smell making you salivate like crazy. You kept swallowing and they all thought it was because you were afraid.

"Oh doll...don't be THAT worried. We'll send you home when we're done. We don't want you forever." He said as he snickered in your ear causing you to flinch.

"Oh shut up back there you two! You're getting on my nerves." You stared at the male to your right trying to decide on if you were gonna take his blood or continue to ignore it. 'Wait...why would I want his blood?! I'm not a demon or anything!!!' He saw you staring at him and raised an eyebrow.

"Why are you looking at me like I'm sumin to eat girl? I ain't no chicken nugget." You mentally face palmed but in reality his blood kinda made him as appetizing as one...

"Get her out and let's go. We've gotta get this done before my wife gets home." 'He has a wife...then why is he doing this to me?'

A large hand grabbed my wrist and you winced at the pain he had inflicted by just that simple motion. As you were dragged out of the car you started humming the song your mother would sing to you and your little siblings...mumbling the words to your song as they unlocked the door.

"Ooh it hurts so hard for a million different reasons. You took the best of my heart and left the rest in pieces." They all looked over at you for a moment and then dragged you through the doorway and took you to a large, dark room. The one you had kicked earlier shoved you onto the bed and you just closed your eyes for you didn't want to see what they were going to do.

They stripped you of your clothes and one at a time put their dicks inside you. You gasped in pain and started to tear up causing your eyes to flutter open.

After about an hour it was over. They had left. You quickly attempted to stand up but fell to your knees. You couldn't even stand up to leave... 'damnit how will I escape now?'

Eventually you mustered the strength to stand up and get dressed. You quickly shoved your clothes on and rushed to the door sliding it open. Then you saw one of the men standing in the hallway. He was just staring at you when you came out. He then swiftly grabbed your wrist and led you to the front door.

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