George, Gina and Anna Kinght

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"W-W-W-What" Cindy says shocked for words

"Rose" George says

"I thought you were meant to be dead then your ex-husband and his kids turn up out of the blue"  Ben sniggers

"Shut up Ben"

"I'm just saying"

Gina walks up to her mum and slaps her

"That's what you get from walking out on us 9 years ago"

"I had some things to deal with like my daughter dying and her killer living on this square and you accepting him as if he's the hero and also my other  son  was also murdered" Cindy justfies

"So you didn't care about us"

"No didn't even know you was here"

"I genuinely thought that my mum would change but she is still the same cheater, slapper, attempted  murderer she always was" Anna butts in

"Okay if you guys won't accept me I will just say how I really feel about you give you guys give  a few home truths"

"Linda our amazing Queen Vic Landlady but you've got a past like everyone else here first you have a drinking problem, divorce your husband for him to then get with Janine Bucther, then he confesses your love for you but it all ends in tragedy when he dies"

"GET. HER. OUT!" Linda shouts

Martin tries to grab Cindy but she refuses and starts telling everyone how she truly feels about them then leaves everyone seething behind her

"How did that go" Peter ask referring to her in the Vic

"Terrible I made more enemies than friends"

"We all make mistakes" Bobby says staying calm

"Sorry, " we"

"I know you will never forgive me for what I did to Lucy"

"You killed my daughter then you pretend that you didn't know about it and Jane protects you but it leads to you attacking her, Abi and Steven's death I mean WHAT 10-YEAR-OLD DOESN'T KNOW WHEN THEY KILLED SOMEBODY"

"If it wasn't for you Steven will still be here no-one would have gotten hurt"

"Don't you think I don't know that"

"If you don't start changing then the consequences would be dangerous" Peter stands up to his mum

"Don't you start"

"He may not be your son but he's my brother and I would do anything to protect him and it took me 6 years to forgive him and it may take you longer but let's not  forget you tried to have my dad killed"

"Is this your way of disowning me"

"The only thing you had to do was fix the error of your ways"

"Do you really think testing my patience is a good idea"

"Are you threatening your own son"

"Bags packed you can sleep on the street or with your ex because I  don't give a toss about what happens to you because you might as well disappear tommorow and no-one would even notice" Ian pipes coming downstairs with a suitcase in his hand

"Son come on"

"You're dead to me I wish you were dead it should be you that is dead not Lucy or Steven" Peter says holding back tears

"You don't mean that"

"I mean every word"

After being disowned by her family and everyone Cindy leaves but comes face to face with someone and ends up dead

So who killed Cindy Beale the story beings

9 suspects, 1 killer, 1 dead body
Who snapped and killed Cindy

Who killed Cindy Beale Where stories live. Discover now