05. a sky so clear that it's clouded

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Emerald green. Swirlin' green. Glintin' green.

It's so intense, so real-like...

...but it can't be, right? 'Cause you swear—you swear—you saw gold; shinin', dazzlin', burnin' like the very sun above you, gold.

In fact, for a second, it was all you could see; in the grainy sand rolling below you, in the clear sky hanging above you—hell, in the very air dominating the space 'fore you.

For a second, it had consumed you, opened its mouth to take you whole 'til there weren't nothin' left, 'til your world of beautiful, vibrant colours was reduced to nothin' but a wasteland of the most valued metal known to man.

But now— now, it's gone. Like it weren't even there to begin with, like it weren't even the only thing you could see at all.



You gasp sharply, whole body practically goin' rigid as your heel fails to catch any sort o' sand behind you. It's nuff to throw you off, to leave you wobbling in the air with your hands flailin' all over like you're tryna ride...

Like you're tryna ride...


"Woah, steady now."

Cold—'round your waist just as you're 'bout to fall; frosty with a chill quickly gettin' familiar.

It sends a shock through you, a bolt o' lightning that has your hand reachin' forward to grasp at the shirt of the very ice what holds you.

"You need to watch your step, darlin'," the Sheriff whispers, his breath fallin' over your lips with a warmth his hands don't got in 'em.

He's so close.

That nose o' his is practically touchin' yours, frost settin' your nerves ablaze in a way what has your mind runnin' round and round in loops formin' a lasso wrapped tight to your neck; so tight that you can feel the way your heart leaps 'gainst it.

It's hard to breathe when his hooded eyes of swirlin' emerald look at you that way—intense with a certain hunger behind them. It's strange—in the sense that... it ain't what you're used to, ain't what the cowhands often send your way. It's deeper, stronger—



A sound interrupts you—a deep groan what chimes from behind. It has your head swirvin' around 'fore you can stop it.

Your daddy's standin' there, same position as when you last saw 'im—'cept his eyes are back, squintin' like he's tryna focus, but his hands're clutchin' at his head and chest in a way what makes it impossible to.

It's then that you notice how he's wobblin', legs swaying back and forth like they're 'bout to give up. It has you rippin' away from the Sheriff, has you rushing over while the sand tries desperately to slow you down, to stop you from reaching your poor daddy with your arms outstretched like many a time before.

And just like all them other times, he falls straight into 'em.

Now, of course, it sends you down too. But it ain't as quick as you're used to, ain't as heavy or hard, 'cause you're not alone this time—

—no, Dante's with you, emergin' from the horizon with a couple other cowhands 'fore he's rushing by your daddy's side, arm wrappin' behind the older man all quick-like.

in the midst of a storm | yandere x readerUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum