Yeah, he's just too intelligent and we are just like dust in front of him, I know. He opened the medical box and took the strips in his hands carefully reading the description about it. He silently observed and read what was written on the back side of the strips.

He took one pill of paracetamol and kept all the others inside the medical box. He gave it to the maid and she kept it inside the closet. He nodded towards the maid and she went downstairs while closing the door of their bedroom. He looked at the baby burrito on his chest and cupped the back of his head and adjusted their position a bit as he was sitting with his back resting on the backrest and Jungkook almost in his lap.

He turned off the Air conditioner and caressed his arms softly while whispering in his ears, "Take your medicine, come on. Take it and then sleep however you want, hmm? Nobody will disturb you. Come on, get up". The soft whisper was heart melting for Jungkook and he didn't waste his time and shook his head in a no.

Taehyung being the patient man kissed his husband's head and whispered again, "I know that your reason for not taking this medicine is not that it tastes bad. What is it Jungkook, hmm?" Your author will be honest. If anyone would ask me this with so much love then I may die from a heart attack. And this is not someone. He's KIM TAEHYUNG you hear me? KIM TAEHYUNG, and like me only, Jungkook was going through a lot of butterflies in his body.

Jungkook struggled and looked up with his eyes softly not moving his position at all and mumbled in a small voice, "Hyung won't listen to me if koo take medicine and koo...don't wanna be away", the last part was almost inaudible but he listened to that tiny whisper. He sighed softly and hugged Jungkook closer.

"What do you want hyung to do, hmm?", he asked softly as he looked at the little doe eyed boy while patting his head. He already knew and was able to feel that Jungkook's fever was going to his head. That's why he was talking in the 3rd POV. And, Taehyung can't deny a baby Jungkook cause it will raise his resistance and fever more than that.

Jungkook pulled up his pretty lashes towards his hyung and whispered in tiny while tugging at his shirt, "Hyungie is uncomfy in thish. Take thish off", he in tiny and Taehyung caught it. He was shocked that Jungkook was able to notice his discomfort. Now, he was wondering how to deny him? He knows that his body warmth will be the best warmth for a sick Jungkook but ofc he's not ready for that.

Nor Jungkook is. And, for him, for A Gentleman like Kim Taehyung, his spouse's comfort is his top priority. He surely knows that his husband, Jungkook won't be comfortable when he takes this shirt off. He will be embarrassed and Kim Taehyung won't do anything which will make his husband uncomfortable.

Taehyung was pulled out of his thoughts when little sweetheart koo pulled his shirt softly and looked at him with doe eyes. Taehyung cupped his right cheek and looked in his eyes and whispered softly, "Your comfort is my priority, Jungkook and I know you'll not be comfortable the other day you come in your senses tomorrow." Jungkook looked offendedby the statement and stared at his husband with furrowed eyebrows and a pout on his lips with slightly puffed cheeks and whispered in tiny,"Koo is in hish full senshes! What chu mean by when koo come in full senshesh? Huh!" He was very offended by what his husband said and he should be.

I mean we know he was talking in 3rd POV but we should know that he was in his full senses regarding his husband's comfort. He looked up softly at his husband and sloppily cupped his husband's cheeks and whispered with his doe eyes glistening with a glimmering pout on his face,"If koo's comfort is your priority then your comfort ish koo's comfort and if chu saysh that koo's comfort is youl priority then koo's comfort ish chu taking youl shirt off!!!"

Taehyung was blown away by the words Jungkook said while holding his cheeks. He looked in his eyes and saw the truth which was dripping from his eyes and the thing which attracted the most was the

... innocence. The innocence which was blowing him again and again. He was so enchanted by that innocence that he would never be able to deny him after looking at those eyes. He kissed his husband's little forehead and started to unbutton his shirt softly. He layed back on the headboard and pulled Jungkook towards him and pulled the blanket towards them and covered themselves.

He kissed his head softly and continued unbuttoning his shirt and took it out, keeping it on the beside and turned off the lamp, Jungkook nuzzled immediately in his husband's arms as he hugged his husband tightly. Taehyung covered his little husband with the duvet properly and caressed his long locks softly while massaging them. He looked at his little husband mumbling and drooping in sleep and this brought a tiny stretch on his lips which made the sight more mesmerizing then it was. 

He was looking at his husband silently while caressing his locks when he saw his husband frowning and whining softly. He pulled his husband a bit upwards and hid his face in the lower part of his shoulder just above his chest and he again found him whining softly. He looked at his husband carefully and his hand which was caressing his locks slid down towards the nape and caressed their gently while asking in his soft voice, "What happened to little koo? Is it hurting somewhere?”

The endearment just came with the flow. Even Taehyung didn't know where it came from. Jungkook just shook his head in a no and kissed his husband's skin softly while whispering in a soft voice,”Too cold”. Taehyung caught the voice and turned off the AC as he turned on the fan and lowered its speed while covering his little husband fully with the duvet and hiding him in his arms. He rubbed his back with his hands to warm him up instantly.

Taehyung was shocked by the kiss but he let it slide. He just massaged the mob of hairs in front of him and he pampered his husband lovingly. He made sure that his husband was comfortable all night and he kept checking his temperature every now and then. He laid down after a few minutes and held his husband tightly against his chest for the whole night.

Author's Note:

A very short update but yes, since I promised I will update, I did update. I will update it soon, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

I will update it again and soon!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter ❤️❤️.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 16 ⏰

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