Chapter 6 - Partners

Start from the beginning

"Best school in Brooklyn isn't all that? That's crazy." Ravi shook his head with a laugh. Miles furrowed his brows and looked back at you, expression softening slightly. You stared at each other for a moment before you asked, "You wanna sit down?"

He nodded, ignoring Maria patting the seat next to her, and sat down next to you, putting his elbows on the table as he looked down. "Did you eat anything?" You asked, noticing the absence of a lunch box. "Nah" he shook his head, avoiding eye contact with you. "I wasn't hungry." That was definitely a lie.

"My mom made extra rotis. Y'all want some?" Ravi interjected, giving Miles an attempt at a friendly smile. At least he was trying.

"Where were you sitting before?" You asked as you watched Miles take the roti from Ravi's outstretched hand and bite into it. He offhandedly motioned toward a table in the back, without anyone there. "Oh." He must've come over because he didn't have anyone to sit with.

"Roxanne wouldn't leave me alone. And I knew she wouldn't bother me here." You looked back at the table, realizing there was another next to it where Roxanne and a couple of her friends were sitting, along with a small group of boys. That makes more sense. He seems like the type to want to be alone anyways.

"You're always welcome here" Maria shot him a bright smile which he returned just slightly. 

"I'll keep that in mind."

Later that day, after practice, you returned home around 5 p.m., tired out of your mind and ready to collapse onto your bed and take a nap. But, you had work to do.

You came out of the shower wearing your pajamas and ran your hand over the desk as you searched for the drive you'd left there last night. Your finger felt the cold, hard edge of the 'goober', as the Prowler had called it, and you quickly grabbed it, pulling out your laptop and inserting it into the side. Immediately, all the files popped up, the last thing on the page being the weird-looking 'Underground' tech you'd been inspecting that night.

You stared at it for a moment. I'll deal with that later. You clicked out of the file and scrolled up to the top, the first thing being a video titled, Day 1. You'd already seen Day 1, so you clicked on Day 2. As you watched, that's when you realized that there were thousands of days of videos saved, and there was no way you'd be able to get through them all, especially not in one night.

"Welcome to Day 2 of the V.E.N.O.M. project." Your brother's smile appeared on the screen before he began to walk back, grabbing the vial next to him. "Today, we're going to be testing the symbiote's reaction to solution #1" he held up a vial of some sort of clear liquid.

You watched through the first 15 days of videos, each about five to ten minutes long, and you were starting to get really bored. They were testing the thing's reactions to different materials, but it just wouldn't move. In fact, it didn't do anything. It didn't even seem dangerous.

You were just about to get up to take a small break, when you heard a noise.

Tap tap tap

You snapped your head towards your locked window. Hanging on by the window ledge and peering inside was none other than the Prowler, the eyes of his mask narrowed slightly as he tried to grab your attention.

You blinked, confused for a moment before you slowly approached the window, barely processing what was happening. You pulled open the window and he pulled himself in with a grunt, his hand on your shoulder as he steadied himself. "Hey." He looked at you.

"What are you doing here?" You asked, furrowing your brows at him and folding your arms over your chest. "You can't be here! My parents are downstairs!" Your voice quieted to a whisper-shout. His eyes widened slightly as he struggled to defend himself. "I-I just wanted to see the files."

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