After a lingering look over his shoulder at the Great Hall window, Draco followed, shutting the door behind him.

- - -

"Nice going, mate," Theodore congratulated the next morning. Theo clapped his best friend on the back. "Taking the fun-mobile. I like it."

Draco furrowed his brows at Theo in confusion.

"What the devil are you on about?" he asked. They were sitting at breakfast, waiting for the others. Draco discreetly sipped at a hangover potion, trying to kill the headache stabbing his skull.

"Parkinson," Theo whispered, then popped a strawberry into his mouth. He smiled as he chewed it. "Don't lie. We've all heard by now."

Draco rolled his eyes. Leave it to Parkinson to kiss and tell. "Don't give her any ideas. It didn't mean anything."

"Fucking her in a carriage meant nothing to you?" Theo laughed. "I'd hate to see what you call an important shagging."

Draco froze. He opened his mouth to protest, to lay into Theo for spreading false rumors. He was already forming his opposition to Parkinson in his head. They had snogged in the carriage, nothing more.

Theo interrupted before he could even begin. "Ah—and another one of our fallen comrades!"

Blaise plopped down next to Draco and took the hangover potion from his hand, knocking back the dregs of it. He looked as if he had gotten into a fight with a troll—and the troll had won.

"What happened to you?" Draco grumbled, averting his eyes. He picked at a piece of pastry.

"Blaise had a little date with destiny last night."

Blaise slammed the empty potion down onto the tabletop. "Theo, shut your dirty little mouth about it!"

Theo laughed. "Sorry, mate. But I'm a bit peeved. Why did you two get to have all the fun and I got the prude?"

Draco froze. The insinuation that Theo was making was enough for him to lose what little breakfast he was keeping down.

"Don't you dare tell Evan that you know," Blaise hissed under his breath. His eyes were panicked.

"Know what? You haven't given any details."

"It was between me and her, and that's all the details you need to know," Blaise spat out.

"Fine, mate, Merlin's sake," Theo laughed. "You two are awfully cranky for blokes who got their dicks wet not twelve hours ago."

Blaise looked at Draco. Draco looked at Blaise. Then Draco looked down, grabbed his empty potion bottle, and stood.

"Where are you going?" Theo asked, half laughing. "Malfoy, don't be so bloody sensitive!"

Draco ignored Theo, and ignored Onyx and Pansy when he passed them on the way out. He didn't see Blackwood. If he had, he would have lost his mind entirely.

Draco bursted out of the doors and into the chilly winter air. He had forgotten his cloak, but was furious enough to keep warm on his own. Heat blazed in his chest. At first, he thought he was angry because of Theo's rumor, that he had fucked Pansy in a bloody carriage. He thought he was angry at Pansy, as she had clearly told Theo much more than what had actually happened. He thought he was angry with himself, as he should have fucked Pansy in the carriage, but hadn't been able to.

But in reality, he was angry because all he could think about, from the moment he kissed Pansy, to the moment she snogged him in the corridor, to the moment he rejected her in the carriage and went off to get drunk with Crabbe and Goyle—even from the moment he had woken up that morning—was those eyes.

They had been like the eyes of an all-knowing god, always watching, performing their divine judgement and deeming him wrong. Those eyes in their infinite wisdom, when he had asked for a prize, had told him no. Those eyes had beckoned him. Those eyes had undressed him. Those eyes had lingered as if Evangeline Blackwood had injected herself directly into his bloodstream.

And now, he knew, those eyes had looked at Blaise that very same night—and that girl had fucked him.

Draco still had the empty bottle of hangover potion clenched in his fist as he descended a concrete staircase. He jogged out onto the grounds, breathing heavily and trying not to faint. He had dreamt of those eyes last night. He could not remember the dream, but he knew they had been there. What was seen could not be unseen.

He launched the crystal bottle at the stairs and watched, unsatisfied, as it exploded into a burst of shards. He looked up at the heavens and saw her eyes in the clouds. In all that came afterwards, he wondered if the heavens had already been laughing at him.

After all, the world was filled with people that were in love with Evangeline Blackwood.

Draco had just never expected to be one of them.

Babygirl (SEQUEL to Fuckboy - Draco Malfoy)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz