💚 I'll Tell You One Day

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Anthony sat in his armchair, listening to the sounds of his great niece and nephew playing upstairs. He felt far too old to be entertaining the two but he was more than happy to let them get on with it while he sat and rested. His uncle duties weren't called on too often so it was nice for him to have laughter in the house rather than the silence that usually fills the space.

Every now and again, he'd take the slow and slightly discomforting journey upstairs to check on Darcy and Elijah. But this time, as Anthony entered the spare room and was overcome by emotion.

"Don't play with that! Don't touch it!" He grabbed the item from young Elijah's hands, "Where did you find this?" He yelled

"We were just playing Uncle Anthony. I wasn't going to break it." Elijah squeaked. He had never heard his Great-Uncle sound so angry. Uncle Anthony was always nice and usually quite quiet. He's never shouted before.

"This isn't a toy. It's very important." Anthony looked at the stick of wood. His swagger stick. His hands began to tremble and his eyes started to well up.

"Is it from when you were in the army?" Darcy, the older of the two children, asked

"Yes." Anthony answered simply, still not taking his eyes off of the stick. It felt cold and heavy. It pulled on his heart.

Darcy got up and hugged her uncle, seeing he was upset.

"Why is it important?" Elijah questioned. He was too young to understand that now was not the time for questions.

"It just is." Anthony didn't want to talk about it but his mind couldn't help but replay the event.


There was a commotion but Havers could not quite hear what was being said. His time in Africa and having bullets, bombs, and grenades going off right over his head meant his hearing was not as perfect as it once was.

"Where did you get these?" An officer said, tapping on the Captain's chest. Havers drew nearer.

"I...I can" The Captain stammered

"How dare you! Have you no shame?" The officer continued

Havers began to get concerned. The Captain did not look well.

"What's wrong with that man?" Havers heard another soldier ask. The Captain was now doubled over. Havers didn't know what to do. What would people say if he ran up to him now?

The Captain crumpled to the floor and any fear of being found out were quickly erased in the Lieutenant's mind. He pushed through the crowd to be at his Captain's side.

"Sir! Sir!" Havers called out, "Well, fetch a medic!" He ordered the others. One soldier rushed off right away. "Are you alright?" Havers asked the Captain. His voice was clear and steady, something the Captain always found great comfort with.

"I'm sorry. I had to find you." The Captain confessed, his hand reaching out.

"I'm here." Havers held the Captain's hand. He was trying his best to comfort him. He recognised the signs. A medic will be too late. He tried to smile. Tried to silently tell the Captain that it'll all be alright. But Havers knew otherwise. He knew.

"I..." the Captain gasped, "I..."

"I know." Havers's heart thumped. He knew.

As the Captain began to lose strength, his hand dropped from Havers's and gripped on to the Lieutenant's stick. Havers let him hold it and put his own hand on top. Whatever comfort the Captain needed right now, he would make sure he had it. He knew.

"Anthony..." The Captain battled to keep breathing

"James." The Lieutenant battled to keep the tears at bay

And that was it. His eyes glazed over and his chest stopped rising. The Captain was gone. Anthony searched for a pulse on James's wrist. There was nothing.

"Clear the room." Anthony said but nobody moved a muscle. Everyone was in a stunned silence. They just looked on. "Get out!!! Everybody!!! Leave this room immediately!" Anthony shouted in a tone he didn't know he could produce. It even frightened some of the highest ranked officers who instantly turned to the nearest exit.

Now Anthony was all alone in the room with James's body on the floor.

"You stupid fool." He let out a cry, "We could've spent a life away from this place. Just like we once wished. After all this time, I never forgot. Why did you have to go? We were so close. Why did you have to die?"

He would spend the rest of his life asking that same question. Why did James have to die?

All Havers could do was look at him. His soft face, his perfect hair, his trimmed moustache, his immaculate uniform. His Captain. Even dead, he was the smartest in the building.

Havers knelt down and placed a kiss on his forehead. He lingered there, knowing that this was how it was supposed to be. They were supposed to wake up side by side. Anthony would lean over and kiss him good morning. And before they'd go back to bed, he'd kiss him again and say goodnight. Their days should have consisted of countryside walks and baking at the stove. They'd laugh and dance and sing and love. They'd be happy. Finally, together.

"I'll stay with you, Sir. Until the time comes where they have to take you away." Havers whispered as he took back his stick and replaced it with his hand, "I never wanted to leave you. I love you, James. I won't be leaving you this time."


"I'll tell you one day, Elijah. Just not today." Anthony said sadly

The boy wasn't too fazed and was happy with that answer. He carried on playing with a toy car.

"Maybe tomorrow?" Darcy suggested curiously

"Maybe" Anthony smiled down to her. James would've loved the kids. They are inquisitive and adventurous in equal parts. They would've gone on expeditions together and he would've told them exciting stories. Anthony wished it had turned out that way.

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