Chapter Thirty Eight

Comincia dall'inizio

Claire looked totally grown up, except for her baby face. She always had that face, and along with her voice, anybody was able to tell that was her.

Anyway, once Claire's eyes landed on me, her eyes widened.

"Leighla Parks? Is that you?" she guffawed. I nodded awkwardly and began, "Well, it's Lei now, and--"

"Oh my goodness, it's been way too long. How are you?!" Claire shrieked as she pulled me into a tight bear hug. I hesitatingly patted her back and pulled away immediatley.

"What are you doing here, Claire?" I asked.

"I could say the same for you! Are you two dating?"

Blake and I'd eyes widened and stuttered out words. See, I liked it when we were able to say no, without hesitation.

I was finally able to gain my composure and say "No. No we aren't."

Claire clapped her hands and grinned. "Still enemies huh? Well that gives me a chance to talk to Blake."

Claire turned to Blake and gave him her phone number.

"Hey, uh, I'm gonna get something to eat from the fridge," I said quietly. Claire smiled and Blake nodded his head.

I walked towards the kitchen and grabbed a pack of Gushers out of the pantry. Of course he would have those.

I was glad too, because I was craving those.

I stopped mid walk to hear Claire squealing about something. Ugh. Any higher and id go deaf.

"...And I'm gonna be in Paris next month, so that would be perfect! Congrats on your second place, too."

Hm. Paris. Sophie was gonna take us there in August. I couldn't wait, but right now I was wondering what Claire was gonna do there.

I shrugged it off until she left, but for now I walked back into the living room.

"Ooh, gushers! Love those. Thanks!" Claire smiled as she took the pack right out of my hands.

"That was--I--okay," I stuttered as she opened the pack and popped one in her mouth.

I was already peeved that she was here, but now my gushers?! Although this was Blake's house, Blake and and I were talking. No part of this included her.

Wait. Whoa. Was I jealous?

Why would I care if this chick was here? It wasn't even my house!

I thought about it for another moment as the two chatted and decided to leave. I was already a mess anyway, so it didn't even matter.

"Okay, well I'm gonna go now," I said as I grabbed my jacket.

Blake turned his head towards me and replied, "Why?"

"Oh, just so you and Claire can catch up. It's been a while, so have fun!" I mustered up the biggest smile and even included a thumbs up.

Claire smiled back and gave me a hug. "It was nice seeing you again, Lei! We should hang out sometime. Ooh, maybe in Paris!"

"Right, yea, totally," I breathed after she let go, "See you guys."

I walked out of the house as shut the door as fast as I could before I could hear the word "wait" from Blake.

I jogged across the two yards, only to be caught by the Devil himself.

"Lei, where are you going?" He panted slightly.

"Home, where else?" I asked nonchalantly.

"Come on. Why did you really leave? Jealous?" He joked.

"I'm going home, Blake. See you later. Think about what I said."

I walked a couple more feet until his next words stopped me.

"I already thought about it, so why not tell you now?" Blake sounded pissed for some reason.

I turned around and gave him a fake smile. "What?"

"Claire asked if I wanted to go to Paris with her in August. I said yes. So, to answer your question? No. I don't like you. Why don't you go back to Mike? Spend some time with that jackass."

He turned around and stormed back to his house.

Dam you, Claire.

* * *

Oh great. Now Claire took Blake away!

Song~I Want You Back-Cher Loyd


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