0: •Prolouge•

8 0 0

The dark oak leaves from the oak trees swept and swept: a orange themed hotel sitting far from it. A dark presence blew under the bushes.

The girl who lived in the woods, they say: you visit THOSE woods, she won't leave you alone until you listen to her demands. And trust me, it isn't pretty.

she'll just manipulate you and use you.

But a certain someone doesn't believe in those..
such rumors.

Huh, Thought Fan. I wonder why they believe in those rumors.. and people have been.. suddenly dying. And I'm going to solve this. Me and Test Tube have been working together to solve this sudden crime, because we can't assume Taco has  been causing it.. maybe it might be someone else.

Nobody knows.

Police have been contacted.. and a few of us were forming in.. groups to settle this.

I look in the cameras.

Shadows fill the air. The coldness. A murdering spree has been happening. And this hotel is going crazy.

The voices,

The missing people

The deaths,


It's sickening, isn't it?

(179 words)

CASE 23. (rewritten :))Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora