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    "HERE, take this one."

    The Cyprisse family was a distinguished family, originally from the heart of the Capital, somewhere along the Corso. They held their heads high, boasting of their prestigious lineage. However, as the war ravaged the land, their pride slowly turned into a bitter taste in their mouths.

    It was as if the war had stripped them of their glory, leaving them with nothing but a sense of loss and despair. As it had appeared, the 'great' Cyprisse family had fallen out of favor with President Ravenstill and were forced to pay their dues in District Twelve.

    Juna Cyprisse was a woman of mystery. When someone dared ask her about what led to their demise, she would fix them with an unwavering stare that seemed to bore into their soul. It was a gaze of such intensity that it took people aback, even her own children.

    No one knew why Juna acted this way. Some speculated that there was a dark secret that she was trying to keep hidden alongside her husband. Others thought that she was simply a private person who preferred to keep her thoughts and feelings to herself.

    Whatever the reason, Juna's enigmatic behavior only added to the allure of the family as they were forced to find a home along The Seam. The people of Twelve were drawn to the idea of a shiny new family living on their block, fascinated by their nature, which had once seemed unattainable.

    Juna and Maverick brought two children with them to District Twelve: Callow and Fyrun, both equal in beauty and smarts.

    Unfortunately for them, though, both attributes were not helpful where they lived. For them, the only way they could help their family was by working in the mines or winning The Hunger Games.

    Callow was aware that the upcoming reaping was critical for her family's survival. She had entered herself multiple times, more than usual, so that she could bring home extra food rations.

    Her family was still struggling to adjust to the limited food supply, and every additional ration would make a significant difference. Callow knew that the odds were not in her favor, but she refused to give up.

She was determined to do everything in her power to help her family survive this difficult time.

    So, for the eighteen-year-old, the latter was starting to get considered, especially as the dreaded day drew nearer.

    Callow Cyprisse chuckled affectionately at her younger brother, who held a spider in his cupped hands. Her gaze followed his disgusted expression as he remarked, "But it's got too many legs..."

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