"Fuck you, asshole." Namjoon snapped.

Yoongi laughed, muffled as he sucked a hickey onto the spot at the base of Namjoon's neck. Namjoon kept trying to throw him off, shouting and thrashing annoyingly. Yoongi sighed, before bending down again and biting the spot he had just marked, sinking his sharp canines into the hot skin. Namjoon's rant was cut off in mid sentence as his breath left him. He couldn't move. He glared, hissing as Yoongi slowly sunk his teeth in a little deeper. He tried to crane his head away, but Yoongi growled a warning to him, forcing his head to stay in place as the older man bit him.

"You- ahnn..." Namjoon groaned when Yoongi's tongue slid over the new marks on his neck, soothing the ache and finishing it off with a kiss. Yoongi finally sat up, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand as he studied his art work.

"Get off me!" Namjoon demanded.

"If you were a dom, you never would have been pinned down in the first place." Yoongi said. But he did stand up, stepping back as Namjoon jumped to his feet, his hand clapping over the very red and very obvious mark on his neck.

"What are you, a fucking vampire?" Namjoon hissed.

Yoongi licked the boys blood off his lips in reply.

"Don't tell me you're into that as well, fucking pervert." Namjoon glared.

Yoongi just laughed. "When you're involved, how can I not be into something?"

Taehyung peeked his head around the broken door. "Jin says dinner is almost ready- oh, nice hickey, Joon. Hot as fuck."

Namjoon growled, pushing the boy out of his way as he stormed out of the office.

Taehyung looked to Yoongi. "Can I have one too?" He begged, already dropping to his knees.


It was not even an hour later when Namjoon tried again to dethrone Yoongi as the head of the house.

Yoongi was with Seokjin and Jungkook in the kitchen, helping to finish the last few touches before dinner was served when Namjoon entered.

"Ah, Joonie, can you set the table?" Seokjin asked, sprinkling garnish on the last dish.

But Namjoon ignored him, his glare set on Yoongi, who was sipping coffee from his mug, talking to Jungkook, who was doing the dishes.

He stomped over, and Yoongi glanced up at him with a smirk. "Ready to try again, sub?"

Namjoon snarled at the nickname, ready to run forward and punch the man right in the face. However, he never made it to Yoongi, because Jungkook suddenly whipped around and slid a plate across the tiled floor, directly into Namjoon's path.

The older boy saw it a split second too late and he gasped when he tripped on it, falling onto all fours painfully. He stayed there for a moment, his mind trying to catch up with what had just happened, and Jungkook used the opportunity to slide onto the boys back, straddling his sides.

Yoongi was grinning as he walked over slowly, his eyes raking up and down the two boys. "See, Koo? I told you he would try again."

"You were right." Jungkook confirmed.

Namjoon glared. "Get off me!" He tried to buck the youngest off of him but Jungkook dug his fingers into Namjoon's hair and refused.

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