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" Y/N WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!" Dad says.

" Down in a minute!" I respond.

I was in Beauxbâton's, an all girl school, but when dad said he wanted to go to Hogwarts, what do you think imma gonna do?

I was doing some last-minute packing, because... ya know, I was feeding my Owl, o/n. She's a beautiful white snow owl. She's very opened to other peapole, but not in a good way.. Weirdly, she do what ever I tell her to.

" Hey snowing queen, can you go in there, we need to go!" I ask her softly while pointing at the cage.

O/n goes in there and Im like, Im the best owner.

" WOLFY, GET DOWN HERE!" Moony yells.

I get my cage, backpack, and suitcase.

" Im here for merlin's sake!" I say.

" C'mon, we need to go to the Hogwarts Express." Dad say's. Because he works there and IM going to the school to, he has the permission of Dumbledore to go to the train.


At the hogwart'S express

We find an empty compartement, I was going to read but I dose off right away, like dad.

Harry's POV

We go to the comparment, we see a girl and a man sleeping there.

" Who do you think they are?" Ron ask's as he seat next to the girl.

" Y. M. Lupin ( Y/n M/n Lupin) and R. J. Lupin. Probably her dad." Hermione reply's.

" How do you know?" Ron asks.

" Their suitcase's Ronald." Hermione says.

" I never seen her before, both." I say.

" I think she's a new girl." Ron point's out.

" I think she's very pretty. Do you see her h/c hair. It's so h/l!" Hermione say.

" Do you think there sleeping?" I ask's.

" Of course, why?" Ron says.

" Good, cause I got lauds to tell you guys." I say.

After explaining them my situation that Mr. Weasley said, we got in an akward silence. But then, the train stopped.

" We can't be here yet! It's not even been an hour!" Hermione protest.

" That's true, Ron look at the window, what do you see?" I ask.

" Umm, well I see.. well it look's like someone's boarding," He says.

" Who?" Hermione ask's.

" I can't see proprely, It's like a black thing.." He says.

I don't know why, but I look at the book right next to the girl, its a big one, it's frozen. Cold not he movie.

" Well it is sure beggining to be cold!" Ron say's.

Then, a big, black, ugly thing comes, its stairs right at me.

Y/n's POV

I fell it. Dad to. Its a dementor. We both jump up of our seat's and say:


It dosen't listen.

" Y/n, could you do the honors?" Moony ask's.

" Of course dad. EXPECTO PATRONUM!" I yell.

The creature's go back seeing my Hippogriff, the bushy haired girl next to me was very suprised and admiered. Its true the Hippogriff patronus is very, very rare.

" Dad, get him some chocolate. Wait.. is that Harry Potter?" I ask. " Yes, that must be, he has his mother eyes."

Dad nods. Of course I know Lily Potter. We have ton's of photo of dad's friend's when he was youger in our house.

" Hello, Im Y/n Lupin. What's yours?" I ask the other two.

" Im Hermione, he's Ronald." She says with a grin.

" UM no, Ron." He retrot's.

I smile. New friend's already.


Harry's POV

I wake up seeing the man giving me chocolate.

" Here, eat it, you'll feel better." He say's.

I examine it. I catch a beautiful girl looking at me with a smile.

" My dad won't poison you Harry Potter." She say's.

I take a bite of the chocolate, it's delicious.

" What's your name?" I ask her while eating.

" Ewww! Gross! Eat and after talk!" She say's.

At this point, Hermione is looking at her admireletly, I know one thing, she never, ever seen someone so responsable. After I eat, I say:

" So, what's your name?"

" Y/n Lupin, pleasure to meet you." She respond.

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