Chapter 1

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"I need a make-up artist over here!"

The joys of a busy photo shoot event thought Harmony. Harmony was at a photo shoot event that her best friend, Rhea, had organised. It will be fun she said, you'll meet great people she said. Right now though Harmony wasn't having any fun as she was surrounded by arrogant upper class people who looked at her like the gum on their Christian Louboutin shoes. When she first arrived Rhea had rushed her out the back of her parents Villa in the Hampton's but then she abandoned Harmony to attend other problems relating her 'fun and easy going' photo shoot.

Harmony was lost in thought as she sat on a director style chair and awaited people to pamper and make a fuss over how totally horrible her non-designer clothes were and say things along the lines of, oh my god I wasn't even aware they still made overalls weren't they like used in like historic times when people were like made to like work. She could already hear the disgust in their voices but that still didn't stop her from wearing her denim dungarees, yes it probably weren't the most 'stylish' thing to wear but she didn't care it was comfy and she loved it.

"Harmony! I'm so so sorry but you know events like these, I get so carried away. But I'm here now and I've the perfect person to do your make up" 

Rhea came over to Harmony and woke her out of her daze. They had been best friends since they were little and nothing had ever come between them, they really had been through so much and during a hard part in Harmony's life Rhea had stuck by her without a second thought. As Rhea spoke Harmony couldn't help but notice the mischievous look glistening in her eyes.

"Ah Rhea if you're playing match-maker again I'm getting up and leaving without even a second thought" 

Rhea was constantly worrying about Harmony. Harmony had moved from the upper east side along time ago. Rhea new she was safe it was her happiness that she worried for. Harmony worked hours to pay for her small apartment just outside New York, it really was nothing special. It was a run down apartment, in a run down building, in a run down part of town.

Before Harmony could even attempt to move two people approached them. Recognizing one as Brett, Rhea's long-term 2 year boyfriend, she plastered a smile onto her face. Brett and Rhea were that couple. The couple everyone knew were just going to last, they had been high school sweethearts but broke up for a year then got back together two years ago.

"Hey ladies"

Brett said walking up to them. He wrapped his arm around Rhea's waist and kissed her forehead. Harmony smiled to herself, she loved seeing her friend this happy. Realizing there was another presence, Harmony looked at the person who accompanied Brett. He looked around 6 ft, he definitely was from this world Harmony could tell simply by the way he carried himself. Briefly looking over him being careful not to be caught checking him out, Harmony came to one conclusion. He was hot. He had tan skin, brown hair and green eyes, completely going for the mysterious look Harmony couldn't help but realize the smile on his face. Smile, not a smirk like most guys she knew had. It was obvious though that he was a player that much Harmony could tell even before he opened his mouth.

"Harmony it's been so long since I last saw you! You have to come visit more often! This here is my dear women loving cousin Jace" 

Brett never failed to amuse Harmony. He was almost as sarcastic as she was. Almost.

"Well dear you could always come visit me, it works both ways darling" Harmony replied with a wink, sarcasm dripping off her tongue.

"I'm too afraid to ride the subway and Ra-ra says it's too dangerous for me" Brett said with a fake pout. Ra-ra was Brett's nickname for Rhea, she hated the name which only pushed him to use it more.

Finding a FairytaleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora