Unexpected Gift

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10 years later....

Another day, another boring day at school. Sure I get what they teach is important, but does everyone in this school have to be so stinking quirkest?!? I mean, we get it people have some pretty cool quirks, but does that have to be the way we are measured as a person? I don't think so. But that's probably just the part of me that I'm angry with. Cause even after these 10 freaking years, my quirk has yet to activate! I'm starting to think the doctor was a quack.

But anywho back to the story. I was just sitting in the back of the classroom next to my best/only friend at Aldera Middle school, Izuku Midoriya. It was just another normal day, with the teacher going over the stuff we did poorly on the test last time. It was fine for me and Izuku tho, besides Bakugo, me and him were up at the top in our classes. Though, that just gave ol' Katsuki another reason to beat us up.

Not that he needs it today though. You see, today's my 14th birthday, the day where Bakugo decides to gift me an extra large beating. But, I'm not to scared of him. Ever since we met that day we have had several fights. By this point in time? It's a game to me. You see, since my quirk never activated, I basically fight Bakugo quirkless, and he tries to fight me on my level. But when he does, I usually beat him, and it kills him every time to use his quirk against me. Why? Cause when he uses his quirk to win the fight, I'm the one that actually wins, and he knows that.

So me and Izuku were about to leave so we can go and train, which we have been doing these past 10 years, when Bakugo and his lackeys came up to us.

Bakugo: Hey there (Y/N)! Heard it was your birthday today!

Y/N: Yeah? And?

Bakugo: So me and my friends here thought it would be good to go ahead and give you your gift.

While saying this, he was looking at me with absolute disgust and hatred in his eyes.

Y/N: Aww, come on Katchan, your not still mad about me breaking your nose last time, right?

Bakugo in a deep, dark voice: Yes.

That's when Izuku decided to speak up.

Izuku: C-come on Katchan, can't y-you do this some other t-t-time? We are supposed to meet at (Y/N) house soon.

Bakugo: Shut the hell up, Deku! Unless you want to join him in the absolute beating he's about to get!

Immediately, Izuku froze and seemed to have shrunk in his spot. Dang, and here I thought he was finally gonna stand up to the explosive Pomeranian.

Y/N: Hey Midoriya, I got a pretty good idea that has a 50% chance at working.

Izuku: Oh y-yeah? What is it?

Y/N: RUN!!!

I sock Bakugo in the nose and run past his lackeys, with Izuku right beside me, literally crying his eyes out while screaming that we are so gonna die when Bakugo catches us.

Y/N: Come on Midoriya, with our training, we should be able to get away with our limbs still intact. So long as  ol' Katchan doesn't use his quirk to catch up we should be just fi-


Me and Izuku look back and see a very rabid Bakugo with blood coming out his nose, while using his explosions to speed him through the air.


Y/N:.... HA! I made him use his quirk! That's another win for me!

Izuku: (Y/N)... he is going to kill us.

Y/N: Naaaa! He wouldn't do that! It would ruin his chances for U.A. He will probably beat us within an inch of our lives tho.

Izuku: That's still n-not good!

Y/N: Eh, just think of this as speed and stamina training and you'll be fine.

Izuku: Why do I let you do these things?

Y/N: Because I'm your best friend?

Izuku: Just remind me to kill you later.




We arrived at my home a little worse for wear. Bakugo must be doing some crazy training with his quirk as well, cause he chased us for an hour and 40 minutes. All while flying with his quirk. I was fine because of my crazy stamina, but Izuku was a little worse for wear. We quickly cleaned off our uniforms best we could and enter my home. Inside was my parents and Izuku's mom, with a crazy amount of food on the table.

The parents: HAPPY BIRTHDAY (Y/N)!

After we all ate our fills, we went on to the best part of any birthday, the presents! This year, I got some new shirts, a couple pro heroes merch, and some new books that I had been wanting. It was amazing! But then I got the one gift that would change my life forever...

Y/N: This has been the the best birthday ever! Thank you all so much!

H/N: Well, hang on there bud, you still got one more gift from me and your mom.

Mom hands me two rectangular sized packages, one bigger than the other.

Y/N: Oh thanks! Is this another book?

I hurriedly opened it them and found an old video game console, a Nintendo switch and a game called Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

Y/N: WOW! Where did you find this thing?

W/N: We found it at a pawnshop right near the mall. You've been doing so well with your classes, we thought you deserved some kind of gaming console.

H/N: Yeah, bud. Why don't you plug it up and play some with Izuku for a bit? I know you're dying to try it out.

Y/N: Thanks mom and dad!

Inko: Now remember Izuku, we need to leave in a bit, so try something quickly, ok?

Izuku: OK mom!

So me and Izuku plugged up the switch and started playing. It took awhile to learn how it works, but we soon got the hang of it. Especially me for some reason. I basically destroyed Izuku while playing Mario, DK, Sonic, Pikachu, and Pokemon trainer. But soon, Izuku and his mom left, and I felt super tired for some reason. So, me and my family went to bed. But I never knew that something so small would impact my life so hard.

Whew! Another chapter done! Sorry to anyone who actually read this and is still reading. I lost a little motivation to write this, but I'm good now. Now I'm open to some suggestions on which video games (Y/N) will play, but I don't get your hopes up because I might not know about them. Also, does anyone want me to give my oc's some actual names or is the self insert name fine? Let me know in the comments and thanks for reading! I'll try to get the next part done sooner. Have a good day!

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