Bring Up The Past - Angst

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Bakugou's pov:

I knew it...

I knew Deku was gonna open his stupid mouth and say something... He promised- we promised- not to say anything and put the past behind us. But he wanted some attention. But he knew why I bullied him... he knew why it happened... but he had to go around telling these motherfuckers half of the story. But now here I am, being scolded by my classmates, my best friend... my boyfriend...

"Wait- listen to me!! It's not his fault!" Deku said. The promise-breaker was trying to defend me. "No! Midoriya... He told you to go kill yourself! Why are you trying to defend him!?" Uraraka basically screamed. With Deku trying to defend me, some arguing with Deku, and the others screaming at me... I just zoned out. My breathing got a bit heavy, heart racing, and my blood running cold... I could feel that I was gonna have a panic attack. But a hit to the face bought me out of the zone.

I fell to the ground, feeling something warm run down my lip, so I wiped it with my fist, groaning at the pain, and looking at what it was... blood... I look up and it Shoto Todoroki... My boyfriend...

"Kacchan!!" Deku screamed. He was gonna come help me up but Shitty Hair, Kirishima, held him. Deku was screaming and cursing at him to let him go, which surprised everyone... But not the person in front me. He was furious and I never knew that he could get so angry. He looks more angrier than me before any of this happened. He was breathing heavy in anger I could see smoke coming from his left side.

"What the hell is wrong with you Katsuki!? All he's been trying to do his whole life was try to become friends with you!! But all you do is growl, fuss, yell, and push him away when he was trying to be there for you!!" He yelled. Catching everybody's attention in the common room. "You always act like this. And I'm tired of this! I'm tired of dealing with you!!" My breath hitched. My throat was hurting so bad from holding my sobbing. "Todoroki-kun!! Please don't do this to him!! It's not his fault, please don't hurt him!!" Deku screamed. Still struggling in Kirishima's hold, on the verge of crying.

I knew what he meant by that... I knew what would come of his mouth... The words that will break me like shattered glass. Todoroki brought his attention to me. I started shuddering under his angry gaze. Everybody gave Deku a dirty look... And I know what that look is...

They think I wouldn't care... They think I don't have feelings...

"I'm sorry Katsuki... But we are over... I can't deal a person that threatens someone to jump off of roof..." Todoroki finally said to me. And everything just stops. The sound of Deku screaming to starts to fade away. Everything is frozen and quiet... His words shattered me like I said it would. My hands starts to sweat- actually... My whole body begins to sweat... Tears starts falling down my face and I sigh. I haven't cried since I was 5. Letting my emotions out was always weak to me but... it took some of the weight off my shoulders. I start sobbing. My hands hurt, chest hurt, head hurts, everything just... hurts. I cried harder. I was pissed and sad at the same time. But the only reason why I'm feeling the worst pain is because of Deku... If he hadn't opened his stupid mouth... I would've had Todoroki with me, my squad with me...

He promised!!!

I was now in the real world because I was being shook by the broccoli traitor in front of me... "Kacchan!!! Kacchan!!! Please answer me!!" I was just staring at him. Everybody else had a surprised look on their faces like they haven't seen anybody cry before...


Oh right...

They haven't seen me cry before...

I shoved Deku off of me. I didn't want him on me for after what he done. He ruined everything... My friendship, my relationship, our friendship!!

"Get the hell off of me!! You ruined everything!!" I screamed. My voice hoarse, throat hurting from holding in my sobs. "I didn't even know we made that promise not to say ANYTHING about the past. I- I thought we were best friends, Midoriya..." He gasped at his name being heard from my mouth. "You KNEW I didn't mean it. You Knew it wasn't my fault!! Did you tell them how I was manipulated by my parents because I was gay?? Did you tell them that you LITERALLY saw me get beaten because they saw me playing with someone quirkless!? THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT QUIRKLESS PEOPLE!!!" I screamed and tears started forming in his eyes.

"I- Kacchan... I- I didn't-" He was stuttering on his words. I cut him off. "After ALL of the shit that I had to go through to be friends with you, this is the shit I GET BACK!?" My hands were getting warm and you could hear sparks coming from my hands. I could see Kirishima getting closer to me from the corner of my eye. I turned towards him. "Back the fuck up Eijiro..." I growled coldly and he stopped in his tracks with wide eyes. I turned back to Deku.

"I still have to go through this shit today because I didn't listen to them!! Oh but you have the audacity to tell them that I bullied you and not the other part of the story?..." The sparks got bigger and brighter and I could feel pain struck up my arm. My breathing got heavier. I need to control myself before I lose it.

"But... I didn't do it!! I swear I didn't say anything to them. Th- They came up to ,me bringing it up!!" He said as he tried to touch me. I winced and pushed him back. "Liar... You just wanted attention!! You ruined everything!! My relationship, my friendship, our friendship, my LIFE!!" I screamed making him and some others jump. A big but not to big explosion blasted out of my hands causing me to scream in pain. My breathing started to get even and now my blood was running cold and my heart was racing again.

I was having a panic attack...

I fell to the floor due to another explosion to being blasted... my hand was bleeding. I knew that because I felt warm liquid running down my fingers. But I couldn't see. Tears were pouring and my vision was foggy, my hearing was off. Everything was just so...


Narrator's POV:

Screams were heard throughout the building. Some crying for help, and Deku... was just crying because of the whole problem... The Pros ran in and saw what was happening. Aizawa was the first to move. Aizawa was careful not to collide with the explosions. He activated his quirk and the explosions had come to a stop.

Bakugou was still having his panic attack. Aizawa knew how to deal with it so he grabbed the blond, pulled him close, and laid his head on his chest...

"Calm down problem child. Listen to my heart beat and follow my breathing." He said. He knew what the blond was going through since he poured his explosive heart to him. His parents abused him and blackmailed him. He even told him how they actually didn't like the Midoriya's and how weak they were. Bakugou broke every rule to be friends with the green headed boy. Bakugou was matching his breathing and listening to his heart beat. He gripped onto Aizawa as to not let him go. Aizaw was whispering calm things to the boy and then he fell asleep.

"Mic. Take Bakugou to Recovery Girl... I'm gonna have a nice chat with the rest of the class." The last part sounded so cold that it made the whole, class shiver. So Mic took Bakugou to Recovery Girl, and Aizawa got up. He looked at the class with anger.

"So tell me... what happened?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2023 ⏰

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