001 || Night Affairs

Start from the beginning

"I shall abstain from answering such questions when they come from someone who refused to even take part in the mentorship program in the first place."

"Though I know as little as you about mentorship, I know this much — mentors are supposed to care about the games, and I for one cannot bring myself to."

He didn't necessarily 'care' either, not if that word's meaning was taken ad litteram. What kept Coriolanus awake that night was 'winning'. The prize promised to the mentor whose tribute comes out on top was what would theoretically cover his University tuition, one that otherwise he had little chance of affording, especially since the government was planning on taxing properties in the Capitol. Though one would easily fall prey to the desire to take out their rage on the closest link to the leadership system, Coriolanus knew better than to complain about her father to Daphne. No one hated President Ravinstill more than his own daughter.

Secretly, however, he wondered if she would have passed the bill on taxation or not.

Before he could dive into politics, another one of their more popular conversation topics for late nights spent outside despite restrictive curfews — pesky little remnants of war, much like the handful of rebels still seething in shadows of Panem —, Daphne sighed, sitting up from the grass. The prolonged silence between them had very abruptly made her hyper-aware of the time, "I suppose I should be returning you home. It would count as gross interference of me to be the cause of you falling asleep during Reaping tomorrow."

"I would never," Coriolanus sat upright instantly. He wasted no breath in getting up first and offering his hand for Daphne to stand as well. According to her, war had murdered chivalry, which is why the courtesy he clung to endeared her that very first day at the Academy when she decided to favor him over that swarm of obsequious students who saw Daphne only for what her family name entailed. He did too, for a long time, and it was no secret, but he had the courtesy of not letting it be shown, which she appreciated greatly.

As always, Daphne dismissed any and all politeness from Coryo when it came to her and her guard driving him back home during the late hours of night. Sometimes the drive would be short and go without a single spare word passed between them, but other times, like that night, the long minutes demanded something else to fill their time. Of course, he could think of a dozen curiosities and topics to break the silence with, one worst than the other — the drive was far too short to bring up politics then, and though he was curious about why she wanted to go out that night, he reckoned her answer would be no different than the last time, placing all the blame on the acidity of hanging around her family.

"Why did you really refuse to take part in the mentorship program?"

The question seemingly took Daphne off guard. With her window half open and her smoking thin cigarette compelling her to remain near it, she has been drawn in by the spectacle without lights that was the Capitol at night. In those quiet hours of slumber, it almost looked like the war never actually ended.

Coriolanus watched patiently as she puffed from her cigarette one more time. Though an especially bad habit to have for someone so young, Daphne made even smoking look like some high class activity — she could make anything look elegant, his mind echoed.

"It was either me or Felix," she admitted, eyes shrouded in the mystifying smoke. "He has far more use for the spotlight the program gives than I ever will."

"That's very thoughtful of you," he noted, the corner of his lips lifting ever so slightly, gaining thus the reaction of her rolling her eyes. With such a generous non-verbal response from her, Coriolanus found his grin only growing on his features: there was no secrecy amongst those with working eyes that Daphne was not especially fond of Felix, much to the latter's fret about it. In fact, she wasn't incredibly fond of anyone in their class, apart from Coryo. His chest swelled at the mere thought of this privilege he was granted in front of his peers.

"But I shall be there, rest assured," Daphne returned to smoking.

"You will watch the games this year?"

"Wouldn't want to miss an opportunity to make everyone nervous with my presence, and should you lose, I would like that headstart. Can't have myself be associated with losers." It was her turn to grin and her tribute claimed from Coryo that night came in the shape of a tinted pink spreading on his cheeks.

"I will win."

It was more of a promise than it was a self-defense, which reminded Daphne just how much she liked the sound of confidence in Coriolanus' voice. For the sake of describing it, she often thought his pride sounded the way his cologne smelled — powerful, pleasant, familiar.

"I haven't the faintest doubt that you will."

Some of Coriolanus' cologne lingered in the car with her after he left. She wished she could have stayed there for the rest of the night, but feeling slumber creep up through her fatigue painted Daphne the dangerous picture of falling asleep in a car, something most definitely unbefitting for the daughter of the president.

Perhaps, she entertained her thought for a moment, if I made the news with such an embarrassing story, father would finally have to acknowledge I exist.

Though, so late at night, that old desire of hers did nothing but twist her stomach into a knot and create the sort of motion sickness on the drive back that had tangled her steps once they carried her to the front door of the presidential house. Once upon a time, she cared about not getting caught sneaking out and returning at obscene hours past the nationwide curfew. Now, she didn't shy from using the front door anymore. Daphne finally knew better than to expect anyone to stay up late, worrying about her whereabouts.

There laid her single true perk to her family name and the loneliness that camr with it, trapped between white silent walls — as long as she didn't cause a splash, she could do anything she pleased.

• • •

    I don't have a closing gif yet so those three dots will have to do for now, especially since, as someone without patience, I really wanted to post this first chapter asap, to also take this moment to thank you all for the reception the book received yesterday 😭✨️ Y'all made my day, thank you for that.

Now, onto a short plot rant — yes, Daffy and Coryo are definitely already in love, they just don't realize it yet. No boy who isn't in love notices a girl's eye color this much, I said what I said. And Daffy's obsession with his cologne?? Pfft, they ain't fooling no one.

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