The friends broke off their friendly meeting and stated that their next goal was to find the Hydro Archon and ask her about the thing they were looking for.

"So this is goodbye, huh. Well, if you do encounter any other trouble in Fontaine, you're always welcome to contact the Spina di Rosula - I'll give your request the highest priority.", Navia sighed, since she wasn't expecting a so fast goodbye. " In any case, I wish you smooth sailing. I'll see you again, partner!"

Their meeting fully broke off, but for how long would that last?




The plaza was an empty place, with people having left already. Alone and quiet it was, until Lumine felt and heard a voice calling her.

Vacher... Vacher...

Her eyes cast around the plaza, but no person was seen anywhere.
It seemed to originate from the Fountain a bit fruther away from them. Paimon just continued to talk and talk, but eventually she also noticed how Lumine was just staring at the water of Fountain Lucine.

"Huh, Lumine? Are you hearing voices again?"

"Yes... And it's clearer than it was during the day."

Paimon made an fearful expression and also tilted her head to listen in.

Vacher.. Vacher..

"Huh? Hang on, Paimon can kinda hear a voice... It's calling for Vacher, right?"

Lumine just ignorerd the squeaky voice, and walked torwards the Fountain. Suddenly she lost her balance and fell into a deep slumber. The last thing she heard was her companion trying to wake her.




Lumine's eyes sprung open, being met by a ocean blue sky. Her body sat up and looked around, seeing nothing but blue. As she got up the voice once again calling for the unkown name.

Vacher.. Vacher..

The blonde girl looked up and a huge Oceanid had formed infront of her. It was not as big as any oceanid she had already met, but still it was impressive.

After noticing the Traveler, it fell into a deep silence, analyzing every inch of the girl.
"Do you know Vacher? Do you know where my love is?", it asked with a hint of worry.
Lumine shook her head to which the oceanid sighed out of defeat.

"I'm... Wait, who am I...? I'm very sorry, I fear I do not know.", it apologised with it's voice breaking as it continued describing it's current state. "My memories feel like they have been washed away like a flood. So many fragments dissolved amidst the tide, never to be recovered. How much have I lost? How many things that I once held dear while on land have I since forgotten?"

It truly was a sorry sight to see. A oceanid which was clinging onto it's last hope. Vacher.. It's lost love. Lumine was sure that this creature was once a human being, and asked:
"You were once...Human?"

It took a brief moment to respond, but it confirmed the suspicion the girl had. The Oceanid went on and on about how it had lost it's original human form and talked about Vacher, who it had a intimate relationship with.

"So you need me to find him?", Lumine asked curiously, the Oceanid did talk very dearly of the person named Vacher, so it was just normal to ask if it needed assistance of meeting him once more.

Runaway (Freminet x OC) *Rarely updated*Where stories live. Discover now