"i know." i sigh.

"mommy!" gavin whales from the stairs

"don't even think about it." he says to me knowing i was about to go over to gavin and ask if there's anything he needs.

"why do all the kids yell for me every time they need something?" i ask

"because they know you'll drop everything and give them anything they want." travis tells me making me roll my eyes

"i don't give them everything they want." i argue

"tay." he backs up and looks at me "didn't ella just ask you for a new macbook because instead of light grey she wanted a dark grey one?" he says. shit, that did happen the other day.

"ok well that computer was also kinda old trav." i say

"it wasn't even a year old babe." he laughs

"oh so what, if i have the funds, i'm getting them everything they want. and don't act like you don't. ella's range rover out there was all you buddy." i smile

"she needed a car." he says defensively. i distinctively remember trying to decide on a car and he claiming to me that his princess needed the best of the best with everything included when i was fine with getting her one not as nice. still new and everything but smaller and not everything he wanted to include.

"ok big guy." i say and pat his chest. i do a little more prep for dinner and make travis help of course since he's in the kitchen now, but not until i get interrupted

"mommy!" i hear gavin yell

"do you think he's had enough?" i ask travis looking over at him.

"i'd keep him there a little longer, but i know you'll lose it if you punish him any longer." he says slicing some french bread, and i smile and go over to my son with puffy eyes from crying

"ok sweetie, what do you say to mommy?" i ask and take his little hands

"i'm sorry." he mumbles

"for what?" i drag on. timeout means nothing if he doesn't even know what he did to land himself there.

"for not listening to you when you said no." he says

"ok, thank you baby." i say and open my arms and he jumps into them. i stand us up as he's attached himself to me and he puts his head on my shoulder.

i walk us over to the couch, and leave dinner on the stove and just decide we'll eat a little later tonight.

we sit on the couch next to travis who has charlotte in lap.

"such a momma's boy." he remarks at me

"don't even all our girls are daddy girls." i say

"ella would much rather spend time with you than me." he points out

"that's not true, we just have more in common. this guy will be all over you in a little bit." i gesture to having laying on me

"i mean he loves him mommy and i get it." he shrugs making me laugh

"charlotte is the biggest daddy's girl. ella and rylee would at least want me to do something with them." i explain and run my fingers through gavin's hair. the two kids are so encapsulated by the show on the tv they aren't even paying attention to our conversation.

"tay, she loves you, it's just a phase." he says

"no, i know." i brush off

"and you'll guys be able to get a lot closer now that he is going to school now." he says motioning towards gavin

"that reminds me, don't forget we have a meeting with his teacher tomorrow morning." i say

"what for? isn't the point of school to dump our kid on someone else for a few hours?" he asks in classic travis form

"yeah but she said she wants to meet with us." i say not thinking anything of it

"oh boy." he says and shakes his head

"what?" i ask confused

"tay, did your parents never get called into school?" he asks

"i mean like maybe once and i think it was because they were putting me into a couple honors classes and wanted my parents approval." i say and travis laughs

"god we had two completely different childhoods. mama and papa kelce were always at the school because of something i did, leading all the way back to when i got kicked out of preschool. but i swear it was like every couple weeks." he explains and i can't help but laugh at the image in my head of little travis being causing problems

"my little baby isn't like that." i say and hug gavin tighter

"we'll see, remember he's half me." travis remarks

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