thirty-nine; distract me

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"It's sad that she thinks you're rubbing our relationship in her face," I say after a few moments. "She should be happy that you're happy. It's not been easy for us. I don't understand why."

He sighs and leans back gently but doesn't let go of my hands. "She's always been worried about not finding her mate and now this has happened, she obviously wants to give him a chance. But I'm always talking about you, with you and I guess that makes her jealous because she wants it too."

"It's not your fault her mate is a psycho," I say as I press a kiss to his clothed shoulder.

Nate's mouth curves but he's not smiling. He's deep in thought. "I know."

"I'm sorry she said that to you," I whisper.

He shakes his head. "Don't be. Tensions have been high. Everything has been really overwhelming recently and I couldn't even imagine what's going on in her mind right now. I just want what's best for her."

"We all want what's best for our family," I say. "But we protect the ones we love."

"I'll always protect her. I don't want to lose her. She's a part of my soul. I wouldn't survive if I lost her too."

My heart crumbles at his confession but having a twin in this world must be complicated because their bond will always be special. "Of course," I nod and offer him a smile when he turns to me. "I totally understand. But you're not going to lose her. You hear me?"

When Nate turns away again, his eyes are glassed over. I let out a quiet sigh and wrap my arm around his shoulders. "Let's take your mind off it," I whisper and press a kiss behind his ear.

"How?" His voice is gravelly.

I smirk in his direction but he can't see me out of the corner of his eye. "I can think of a thing or two."

Nate glances down at me. "Oh yeah?"

"Yeah," I rasp as I lean forward to kiss him.

He wraps his fingers around the nape of my neck and tugs me towards him. I widen the kiss with my tongue and brush it against his, earning a grunt from both of us. I shuffle closer, wrapping my arms around him completely.

My mind rushes a thousand miles an hour. I would let him take me right here, right now.

"Upstairs," he murmurs against me.

I nod eagerly. "Upstairs."

Then we stand up in a hurry, hands entwined with one another as we run up the stairs and straight towards my bedroom. We fall into the door like giggling teenagers before Nate's mouth is back on mine and I slam the door shut with my foot.

He walks us backwards until the backs of my legs hit the edge of my bed and we go tumbling down. I slip my hands under his t-shirt and I roam his skin, silky and smooth. I groan into his mouth, biting down on his lip.

Nate rasps and pulls away. His eyes are so dark I barely recognise them. "Easy."

I smirk at him. "Never."

My hand nestles around his neck and I thrust his lips back down to mine before turning us over in the bed and I straddle his hips. I push up his t-shirt and rush to get him shirtless so I can stare at him in all of his beautiful glory.

"Mmmm," I hum in satisfaction as I roam my hands over his skin. Every muscle feels hard and toned under the pads of my fingers. I can't take my eyes off him. "You are so damn sexy."

Nate laughs hesitantly. "Sexy?"

"Hell yeah," I groan before he grips the hem of my t-shirt and removes it.

Desirable (mxm)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن