𝟎𝟎𝟔. miyagi-do's spy

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Just then, Demetri jumped into the conversation, his voice filled with conviction. "No doubt about it, guys," he interjected. "It was totally him. He's changed since he joined Cobra Kai."

Clementine's eyes darted nervously as she bit her bottom lip, her gaze shifting towards Sam, her voice filled with a mix of hesitation and curiosity. "You know, Sam, this whole Cobra Kai thing... it's super intense, right? But here's the thing that's been on my mind... What if I actually joined Cobra Kai? Not to cause any trouble, I swear. I just want to get a firsthand understanding of what they're teaching, without actually using it. Like, when you guys have your classes, I'll be right here, learning the correct concepts. It's just about gaining knowledge, you know?"

Sam's eyes widened in alarm as she processed Clementine's suggestion. But before she could respond, Sam's dad, Daniel, spoke up, his voice filled with concern. "It's too risky, Clementine," he said firmly, his protective nature shining through. "Cobra Kai's teaching is really manipulative."

Clementine's smile radiated warmth and reassurance as she locked eyes with Robby, her voice calm yet determined. "I'll be alright," she nodded, her words carrying a sense of conviction. "But listen, Robby, I can't ignore the danger here. Your dad, he's the Sensei of Cobra Kai, and he's teaming up with his old Sensei, John Kreese. That's a recipe for trouble, no doubt about it."

Clementine's tongue clicked softly against the roof of her mouth as she pondered the situation. "I promise you, Robby, that I won't let myself be influenced by the dark side. But if things start spiraling out of control, if I start veering towards the wrong path, I need you and Sam to step in. We'll stage an intervention, bring me back to reality, and set things right." Her gaze shifted between Robby and Sam, seeking their understanding and support. It was a pact, a promise to keep each other in check, no matter what challenges lay ahead.

"Okay, fine," Robby reluctantly conceded, his voice tinged with a hint of resignation. As Sam clasped Clementine's hand, a sense of urgency filled her words. "You're not just a regular friend, Clementine. You're becoming my best friend, and I can't bear to lose you like I did with Aisha," she explained, her grip tightening.

Clementine returned the squeeze, her voice filled with confidence and determination. "I promise you, Sam, I won't let Cobra Kai take me away from you. I'm smart, and I know how to make the right choices," she reassured, her words carrying a sense of conviction.

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CLEMENTINE WALKED INTO THE EMPTY DOJO. She ran a hand through her hair, her gaze sweeping across the room, only to realize that everyone had dispersed into different rooms. Determination etched across her face, she made her way to the entrance doorway. Clearing her throat, she commanded everyone's attention. And there, her eyes locked with Hawk's piercing gaze. "What the hell are you doing here?" he spat, striding forward. Clementine instinctively took a step back, her voice steady, "I just want to join," she informed him.

Hawk scoffed, towering over her like a mountain. "Yeah, right. You're the one who pushed me at the mall, princess. We slid across the floor," he growled, his jaw clenched tightly. Clementine met his gaze head-on, her eyes blazing with determination. "Well, I was the one who put an end to that fight, didn't I? Your sorry ass missed," she taunted, her voice dripping with sarcasm. Kreese watched the exchange with a smirk, clearly entertained by Clementine's tough act.

In Clementine's mind, she was totally freaking out. She was scared that someone might come after her, but she put on a brave front. Then, out of nowhere, Tory stepped in and pushed Hawk aside. "Leave the girl alone. She's Cobra Kai material," Tory declared. "There's a video online of her being a total badass. And guess what? She didn't even need karate. Just a good ol' push from her was enough. It's not that big of a deal." Clementine's eyes widened in surprise at the unexpected defense from Tory.

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