Without stopping, we got into one of the elevators. Luckily, no one else got in with us, so I got the time look at the floors that are on the lever. Hmm... There are nine levels in total this elevator can go. '8. - Atrium' that's where we are now. I try make a mental note on that. My eyes keeps going quickly back and forth the lever, trying to see if any of these would give away which floor Umbridge's office might be. "(Y/N)..." Neville whispers to me quickly makeup my mind since there is higher risk someone will enter in the elevator with us if we keeps just standing here. Urgh..! Panic hits and I pull the lever to go to the first floor. Right away - instead of going straight down, the elevator moves backwards in quite high seed, making both of us almost loose our balance. "Wah..-!" we both let out at the same time out of surprise. Really forgot that little detail there.

When we get to the first level, the elevator's door opens and Neville and I get out of it. "Okay, here's the plan: we'll quickly walk this floor around and if we don't see the door to her office, we come back here and go to the next floor to look for it. Got it?" I whisper before continuing any further. He nods couple of times. Giving him a quick, nervous lip tight smile:"Alright... Let's get going.". After all, we can't waste too much time so the Polyjuice won't worn out. Don't want that to happen. After walking a bit, we finally come to an area where there are multiple tables, women sitting behind them as they are all wiping their wands in systematic sync to float some papers to another person. When we come closer, I notice they are magazines of somekind. And soon enough, I get a quick glimpse of the headline of them:'Mudbloods And The Danger They Pose'. Right...

Suddenly, 'Alecto' nudges side of my arm to get my attention. Immediately, my head snaps to look at him. He shifts his eyes onto a black door near us. And there it was... Umbridge's office. There are two golden plates that says:'Dolores Umbridge - Senior Undersecretary To The Minister' and 'Head Of The Muggle-Born Registration Commission' Who would have guessed Umbridge's office would be on the lowest floor - closer to hell. But what got my attention is the eye between those plates. My eyes widens a bit and heart sinks. That's Mad-eye's eye! The fact I never got to meet the real Alastor Moody and properly thank him for saving me from my parents gives me this great sadness in my heart. But I had to push that away and think what's important in here.

A man with books in his hands happens to walk right past us, and I stop him:"Hey, um... Do you happen to know if Umb..- Mrs. Umbridge is in her office?". The old man looks at me in slight terror, but keeps his composure:"N-no. She..- She left only couple minutes ago.". Perfect. "Alright. Thank you." I give him a quick pat on the back as a sing he can go now. The man flinches a bit and continues to walk where he was heading, little bit confused how casually I just acted. Damn it! I always forgot I can act more cruel. Then, I turn to Neville and give him a nod. Without anyone's notice, he pulls one of the Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes's product from his pocket, that the twins gave me as a Christmas present back at the Burrow. Back then I thought it was just out of their silliness and a way 'trying to market their new products' of their new shop in Diagon Alley, but... Something tells me this present actually would help us in the long run.

Neville drops the small black ball onto the carpet, and it immediately grows tiny legs and starts heading towards the tables where the women are doing their job like zombies. The tiny ball - that I like to call a 'Toot-ball' multiplies by every few seconds, and soon enough - the room is filled with these little ones. After they all got under the tables, they grew a tiny trumpets on top of their heads and started tooting. Very thick, brow - yellowish clouds shoots out of them that smells like awful farts. Immediately, all the women shoots up from their seats and began to scream and run around the room. The whole room gets filled with the smoke. Still not as bad as the men's bathroom back there. Quickly, I pointed my wand at the door next to us and whisper:"Alohomora.". And with that, without anyone's notice, Neville and I got in Umbridge's office.

Where Your Loyalties Lie - {Severus Snape x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now