"Well, I developed feelings for Jared. My husband. But I thought he was straight. I ended up dating this girl when I was 13, and then we got stupid and fucked and had a baby together when I was 14. But before the baby, her and I broke up and I dated this guy who treated me horribly. We broke up, and then I dated another guy who treated me right but was a little over protective and got in a fight with Jared. I stayed single and then Jared and I got together. I asked him to marry me when we were 19." I explained.

"Wow. I wish I could love someone like that." He replied as he took a huge fucking hit.

"How do you do that." I replied. He started coughing, "it's hella cold! Why would you do that!"

"It burns!" He yelled as he coughed "Черт, черт! Сука!"

"I know what cука means!" I said.

"Bitch!" He said as he took a huge drink of his water.

"What did you say other than that?" I asked.

"Черт? That means fuck." He replied, "I'm gonna stop smoking. You done?" He asked.

"Uh, yeah." I got up with him and we went inside. We were so cold, we were shivering as they laughed at us.

"Dumbass!" His brother said. It was funny because he can't speak English. Val just flipped him off. They began to converse in Russian as I stole Rowan from my grandma.

"Dada!" She told me. I kissed her face and lips as I hugged her tightly.

"Roro!" I replied as I continued to cuddle her. She started screaming, like, happy screaming. And giggling. She's so cute.

"Such a happy baby. May I hold her?" My moms friend asked.

"Of course!" I replied. I handed Natasha Rowan. I sat down next to Nabi, and that's when Val sat next to me as well. Nabi saw me blush. He texted me.

"Don't tell me you're falling again." He texted.

"I'm not. He's just...very good looking. I'm definitely not over Jared. I still love him more than anything. Val is just very sexy." I texted back. Nabi laughed at me.

"You know, it'll take time. It'll take a lot of time for you to be able to even think about loving someone else. But, everyone wants to see you happy. You still need to heal from Jared, but remember what he said. He wants you to be happy. He wants you to move on from him and love again. He wants you to be loved, he wants YOU to be able to love someone the way he loved you. But, he also doesn't want you to rush. He wants you to take care of your heart and mind before you go and put yourself out again." Nabi texted.

"How would you know?" I replied, but in real life.

"Him and I talked on the phone a few days before he died. He told me all of that." He replied. My eyes started to well up as I covered my face. my heart was breaking all over again and I had a pit in my stomach.

"He loves you, Karma. He doesn't want you to be like this. But, obviously, you're gonna be sad. You're gonna be in pain. We just... everyone wants to see you happy, Karma. I know I do. Even if it's in a year or 10 years. We want to see you end up happy." Nabi explained to me. Val had gotten up by now to use the bathroom, so he didn't hear any of that. I just hugged Nabi as he hugged back. I cried a bit.

"I miss him so much." I cried. He just hugged me back and patted my back.

"I know you do. I know. You know, when I found out he died, I didn't leave my room either for a few days. I got to get time off because of the death of a family member. Jared was a good friend. He always tried to include me and was always nice to me, no matter what fight you and I were in. And god, he just got funnier and funnier the more he grew. I miss him too. And it hurts so much seeing you like this." He told me.

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